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Beast Forms

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General Tips for Beast Forms
=== General Tips for Beast Forms ===
* It is advised that new characters wait to become a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]], especially a [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthrope]], until they have explored [[Serbule]], [[Serbule Hills]], and [[Eltibule]]. For characters with low-level Combat Skills, transforming into a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] and loosing losing access to many shopkeepers and other services can be a surprise. Until [[favor]] is built up with NPC Shopkeepers that speak to animals, income and progress will likely temporarily plummet.
* If a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] sounds fun to try, it may be wise to obtain a method of removing the form before transformation. If an unprepared character drinks a {{Item|Spider Juice}}, they will need to fight their way through the entire [[Serbule Crypt]] to reach the NPC selling the {{Item|Un-Spider Juice}}... or rely on a helpful adventurer.