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Warden Alerts
[[Warden]] members learn a [[Lore]] recipe called '''Check Active Warden Alerts'''. This recipe will show which NPC is offering a Warden Alert Quest at the moment of its casting. Warden Alert Quests usually require the killing of 12-15 specific creatures in the same zone as the NPC that offered the quest. Most of the Warden Alert Quests award Warden points, quest-giver favor, and also [[Vervadium]] in higher level zones. Each Warden Alert is active for a full day, so you can do them whenever you want, and there is no forced start time, unlike [[Druid]] Events.
[[Warden]] Alerts do not penalize you for declining to participate in them, but a Warden must complete at least one Warden Alert per Moon Cycle or their Warden abilities will deactivate and require a ritual to reactivate. ('''Note''': This is the planned eventual behavior. At present, Warden abilities deactivation does not occur regardless of Warden Alert participation, and there is no 'reactivation' quest implemented yet. However, you may still wish to complete Warden Alerts in order to earn Warden points, favor, and other rewards.)
===== Warden Alert Quests =====