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298 bytes added, 06:56, 25 September 2014
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Items appear to come in different "qualities". Note this may still change a lot during alpha.
Currently in Alpha, Project: Gorgon's loot mechanics have similarities to ARPGs. There seems to be few "set" items with fixed properties, associated with a specific dungeon or boss. Instead, high tier items have largely random mods that could be anywhere from a "bad roll" to an "amazing item". As can be seen on the illustration, the properties on the better higher tier items can make a dramatic difference to your character's potential depending which skills you have active and specialize in, from increasing damage output, to the strengths resilience of your pets and regeneration , lowering the cost of your spells, etc. Every item opens up possibilities for different builds.and even increase your Sprint speed!
'''[[Belt|Lucky Belts attune the random-treasure system to specific skills]]'''. This helps you maximize the potential of your character by finding items that better augment your choice of primary and secondary skills.