In addition, upon consuming 19 Excessive consumption of [[Fairy Dust, ]] by a non-fairy will may transform the eater into a butterfly for 5 minutes, and a five minute period. Upon transformation they will receive the message: "You've turned into a bug! Fortunately this will wear off...Suffer all fae racial penalties +25% Mentalism Base Damage". Consuming Reports vary on exactly how much [[Fairy Dust]] is required to transform, with numbers ranging between 1 and 20. It is likely that each individual consumption of [[Fairy Dust]] triggers a transformation chance roll, with each additional dust does not extend consumed [[Fairy Dust]] increasing in likelihood based on the amount consumed since last transformation. Once transformed, the timer on [[Butterfly Transformation]] curse be applied for five minutes. Individuals interested in becoming a permanent Butterfly formneed to repeatedly inflict themselves with the curse. Luckily, but a single dust it seems that the amount of [[Fairy Dust]] required decreases after each successful transformation, if the [[Fairy Dust]] is consumed shortly after it expires will restore itthe latest transformation fades. Users have reported between 1 and 11 [[Fairy Dust]] may be required for their second transformation, and between 1 and 5 for successive inflictions of the curse.
→Direct Consumption
| 15 || Severe Fairy Dust Poisoning || Your body feels squishy and weak. +50% Direct Damage Vulnerability || 5 mins || For a moment, you experience perfect agony as your body compresses in on itself. You manage to wrest control of your body, but just barely.
<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:ButterflyDustTransformation.png|right|474px]]Continuing to consume copious amounts of Fairy Dust (approximately 48 by one account, though this may vary widely) may result in permanent (short of {{Item|Minor Panacea}}) transformation to Butterfly form.</div>