Updating Treasure effects to v395 using auto-wiki generator
<noinclude>[[Category:Treasure Effects]]</noinclude><includeonly>==[[Lycanthropy/Treasure Effects|Lycanthropy Treasure Effects]]==</includeonly>
See also: [[Lycanthropy/Treasure Effects:By Slot]]
See also: [[Lycanthropy/Treasure Effects:By Ability]]
<!-- Updated on November 17, 2022 from v374 Sat Nov 11 2023 08:46:05 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator -->
{| class="table mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="width:100%;"
! style="width:8%"| Prefix !! style="width:8%"| Suffix !! style="width:55%"| Max-Level Version !! style="width:10%"| Slot !! style="width:15%"| Other Versions
| Hairy || of Lycanthropy || <b>Level 80100</b> - Lycanthropy Base Damage +4050% || Head, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Lycanthropy Damage +5
*; Level 80
:Lycanthropy Base Damage +40%
*; Level 90
:Lycanthropy Base Damage +45%
*; Level 100
:Lycanthropy Base Damage +50%
| || of Biting || <b>Level 80100</b> - Werewolf Bite deals +1923% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +50 62 for 10 seconds || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Werewolf Bite deals +4% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +5 for 10 seconds
*; Level 80
:Werewolf Bite deals +19% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +50 for 10 seconds
*; Level 85
:Werewolf Bite deals +20% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +53 for 10 seconds
*; Level 90
:Werewolf Bite deals +21% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +56 for 10 seconds
*; Level 95
:Werewolf Bite deals +22% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +59 for 10 seconds
*; Level 100
:Werewolf Bite deals +23% damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +62 for 10 seconds
| || of Masseuse Claws || <b>Level 80100</b> - Claw and Double Claw restore 18 23 Health || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Claw and Double Claw restore 2 Health
*; Level 80
:Claw and Double Claw restore 18 Health
*; Level 85
:Claw and Double Claw restore 19 Health
*; Level 90
:Claw and Double Claw restore 21 Health
*; Level 95
:Claw and Double Claw restore 22 Health
*; Level 100
:Claw and Double Claw restore 23 Health
| || of Sneaky Wolves || <b>Level 80100</b> - Taunt From Attack Damage -2733.5% when Lycanthropy is active || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Taunt From Attack Damage -5% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 80
:Taunt From Attack Damage -27.5% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 85
:Taunt From Attack Damage -29% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 90
:Taunt From Attack Damage -30.5% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 95
:Taunt From Attack Damage -32% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 100
:Taunt From Attack Damage -33.5% when Lycanthropy is active
| || of Traumatic Wolf Encounters || <b>Level 80100</b> - Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +5672% when Lycanthropy is active || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +7% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 80
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +56% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 85
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +60% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 90
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +64% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 95
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +68% when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 100
:Trauma Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +72% when Lycanthropy is active
| Biter's || of Biting || <b>Level 80100</b> - Werewolf Bite Damage +3648% || Chest, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Werewolf Bite Damage +6%
*; Level 80
:Werewolf Bite Damage +36%
*; Level 85
:Werewolf Bite Damage +39%
*; Level 90
:Werewolf Bite Damage +42%
*; Level 95
:Werewolf Bite Damage +45%
*; Level 100
:Werewolf Bite Damage +48%
| || of Healthy Wolves || <b>Level 80100</b> - Max Health +35 43 when Lycanthropy is active || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Max Health +5 when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 80
:Max Health +35 when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 85
:Max Health +37 when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 90
:Max Health +39 when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 95
:Max Health +41 when Lycanthropy is active
*; Level 100
:Max Health +43 when Lycanthropy is active
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Bite restores 30 38 Health to you || Legs, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Bite restores 5 Health to you
*; Level 80
:Bite restores 30 Health to you
*; Level 85
:Bite restores 32 Health to you
*; Level 90
:Bite restores 34 Health to you
*; Level 95
:Bite restores 36 Health to you
*; Level 100
:Bite restores 38 Health to you
| || of Gorey Biting || <b>Level 80100</b> - Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +1620% damage, but reuse timer is +2 seconds || Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters, but reuse timer is +2 seconds
*; Level 80
:Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +16% damage, but reuse timer is +2 seconds
*; Level 90
:Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +18% damage, but reuse timer is +2 seconds
*; Level 100
:Werewolf Bite hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +20% damage, but reuse timer is +2 seconds
| Biter's || of Biting || <b>Level 80100</b> - Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +50 66 for 30 seconds || Chest, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +5 for 30 seconds
*; Level 80
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +50 for 30 seconds
*; Level 85
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +54 for 30 seconds
*; Level 90
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +58 for 30 seconds
*; Level 95
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +62 for 30 seconds
*; Level 100
:Skulk boosts the damage of your Core and Nice Attacks +66 for 30 seconds
| Pouncer's || of Pouncing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Pouncing Rake Damage +121 161 || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Pouncing Rake Damage +7
*; Level 80
:Pouncing Rake Damage +121
*; Level 85
:Pouncing Rake Damage +131
*; Level 90
:Pouncing Rake Damage +141
*; Level 95
:Pouncing Rake Damage +151
*; Level 100
:Pouncing Rake Damage +161
| Double Clawed || of Double Clawing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Double Claw Damage +88 108 || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Double Claw Damage +13
*; Level 80
:Double Claw Damage +88
*; Level 85
:Double Claw Damage +93
*; Level 90
:Double Claw Damage +98
*; Level 95
:Double Claw Damage +103
*; Level 100
:Double Claw Damage +108
| Pouncer's || of Pouncing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Pouncing Rake deals +232 304 Armor damage || Head, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Pouncing Rake deals +14 Armor damage
*; Level 80
:Pouncing Rake deals +232 Armor damage
*; Level 85
:Pouncing Rake deals +250 Armor damage
*; Level 90
:Pouncing Rake deals +268 Armor damage
*; Level 95
:Pouncing Rake deals +286 Armor damage
*; Level 100
:Pouncing Rake deals +304 Armor damage
| Pouncer's || of Pouncing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +61 81 || Necklace, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +5
*; Level 80
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +61
*; Level 85
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +66
*; Level 90
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +71
*; Level 95
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +76
*; Level 100
:Werewolf Claw, Double Claw, and Pouncing Rake Damage +81
| Pouncer's || of Pouncing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Pouncing Rake Damage +4455% || Ring, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Pouncing Rake Damage +7%
*; Level 80
:Pouncing Rake Damage +44%
*; Level 85
:Pouncing Rake Damage +46%
*; Level 90
:Pouncing Rake Damage +49%
*; Level 95
:Pouncing Rake Damage +52%
*; Level 100
:Pouncing Rake Damage +55%
| Double Clawed || of Double Clawing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Double Claw Damage +3442% || Chest, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Double Claw Damage +4%
*; Level 80
:Double Claw Damage +34%
*; Level 85
:Double Claw Damage +36%
*; Level 90
:Double Claw Damage +38%
*; Level 95
:Double Claw Damage +40%
*; Level 100
:Double Claw Damage +42%
| Double Clawed || of Power Clawing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Double Claw deals +32 40 damage and reuse time is -1.5 2 seconds || Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Double Claw deals +2 damage and reuse time is -1 second
*; Level 80
:Double Claw deals +32 damage and reuse time is -1.5 seconds
*; Level 85
:Double Claw deals +34 damage and reuse time is -2 seconds
*; Level 90
:Double Claw deals +36 damage and reuse time is -2 seconds
*; Level 95
:Double Claw deals +38 damage and reuse time is -2 seconds
*; Level 100
:Double Claw deals +40 damage and reuse time is -2 seconds
| || of Pack Blood || <b>Level 80100</b> - Blood of the Pack restores 90 110 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Blood of the Pack restores 15 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
*; Level 80
:Blood of the Pack restores 90 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
*; Level 85
:Blood of the Pack restores 95 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
*; Level 90
:Blood of the Pack restores 100 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
*; Level 95
:Blood of the Pack restores 105 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
*; Level 100
:Blood of the Pack restores 110 Health over 10 seconds to you and your allies
| || of Pack Attacking || <b>Level 80100</b> - Pack Attack Damage +4151% || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Pack Attack Damage +9%
*; Level 80
:Pack Attack Damage +41%
*; Level 85
:Pack Attack Damage +43.5%
*; Level 90
:Pack Attack Damage +46%
*; Level 95
:Pack Attack Damage +48.5%
*; Level 100
:Pack Attack Damage +51%
| || of Pack Attacking || <b>Level 80100</b> - Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +470 610 damage || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +30 damage
*; Level 80
:Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +470 damage
*; Level 90
:Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +540 damage
*; Level 100
:Future Pack Attacks to the same target deal +610 damage
| || of Slinking Murder || <b>Level 80100</b> - After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +85105% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked || Head, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +15% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked
*; Level 80
:After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +85% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked
*; Level 90
:After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +95% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked
*; Level 100
:After using Pack Attack, your Lycanthropy Base Damage increases +105% for 7 seconds or until you are attacked
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +2430% || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +7%
*; Level 80
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +24%
*; Level 85
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +25.5%
*; Level 90
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +27%
*; Level 95
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +28.5%
*; Level 100
:Bite, Pack Attack, and Smell Fear Damage +30%
| || of Blood Brothers || <b>Level 80100</b> - Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +35 47 damage for 30 seconds || Feet, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 30
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +5 damage for 30 seconds
*; Level 80
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +35 damage for 30 seconds
*; Level 85
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +38 damage for 30 seconds
*; Level 90
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +41 damage for 30 seconds
*; Level 95
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +44 damage for 30 seconds
*; Level 100
:Blood of the Pack causes you and your allies' attacks to deal +47 damage for 30 seconds
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Pack Attack deals +72 100 damage and causes target to be 1112% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Pack Attack deals +4 damage and causes target to be 10% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
*; Level 80
:Pack Attack deals +72 damage and causes target to be 11% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
*; Level 85
:Pack Attack deals +79 damage and causes target to be 12% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
*; Level 90
:Pack Attack deals +86 damage and causes target to be 12% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
*; Level 95
:Pack Attack deals +93 damage and causes target to be 12% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
*; Level 100
:Pack Attack deals +100 damage and causes target to be 12% more vulnerable to Trauma damage for 10 seconds
| || of Sanguine Fangs || <b>Level 80100</b> - Sanguine Fangs Damage +5979% || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +10%
*; Level 80
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +59%
*; Level 85
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +64%
*; Level 90
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +68.99%
*; Level 95
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +74%
*; Level 100
:Sanguine Fangs Damage +79%
| Sanguine || of Sanguine Fangs || <b>Level 80100</b> - Sanguine Fangs deals +288 360 trauma damage over 8 seconds || Necklace, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Sanguine Fangs deals +36 trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 80
:Sanguine Fangs deals +288 trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 90
:Sanguine Fangs deals +324 trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 100
:Sanguine Fangs deals +360 trauma damage over 8 seconds
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +1418% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds || Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +5% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds
*; Level 80
:Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +14% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds
*; Level 90
:Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +16% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds
*; Level 100
:Sanguine Fangs causes the target to take +18% damage from Slashing attacks for 15 seconds
| || of Sanguine Fangs || <b>Level 80100</b> - Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 360 450 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 45 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay
*; Level 80
:Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 360 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay
*; Level 90
:Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 405 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay
*; Level 100
:Sanguine Fangs suddenly deals 450 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay
| || of Sanguine Fangs || <b>Level 80100</b> - Sanguine Fangs deals +2933% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Sanguine Fangs deals +14% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
*; Level 80
:Sanguine Fangs deals +29% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
*; Level 85
:Sanguine Fangs deals +30% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
*; Level 90
:Sanguine Fangs deals +31% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
*; Level 95
:Sanguine Fangs deals +32% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
*; Level 100
:Sanguine Fangs deals +33% Crushing damage and doesn't cause the target to yell for help
| Bleeder's || of Blood Geysers || <b>Level 80100</b> - For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 140 180 Trauma damage over 8 seconds || Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 16 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 80
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 140 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 85
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 152 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 90
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 160 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 95
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 172 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 100
:For 10 seconds after using Sanguine Fangs, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 180 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
| || of Bloody Mists || <b>Level 80100</b> - See Red heals you for 38 46 health || Ring, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:See Red heals you for 8 health
*; Level 80
:See Red heals you for 38 health
*; Level 85
:See Red heals you for 40 health
*; Level 90
:See Red heals you for 42 health
*; Level 95
:See Red heals you for 44 health
*; Level 100
:See Red heals you for 46 health
| || of Blood-Fueled Fury || <b>Level 80100</b> - See Red deals +36 48 damage and Power cost is -16 32 || Head, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:See Red deals +3 damage and Power cost is -1
:See Red deals +17 damage and Power cost is -8
*; Level 45
:See Red deals +19 damage and Power cost is -910
*; Level 50
:See Red deals +21 damage and Power cost is -1012
*; Level 55
:See Red deals +23 damage and Power cost is -1114
*; Level 60
:See Red deals +25 damage and Power cost is -1216
*; Level 65
:See Red deals +27 damage and Power cost is -1318
*; Level 70
:See Red deals +30 damage and Power cost is -1420
*; Level 75
:See Red deals +33 damage and Power cost is -1522
*; Level 80
:See Red deals +36 damage and Power cost is -1624*; Level 85:See Red deals +39 damage and Power cost is -26*; Level 90:See Red deals +42 damage and Power cost is -28*; Level 95:See Red deals +45 damage and Power cost is -30*; Level 100:See Red deals +48 damage and Power cost is -32
| Bleeder's || of Blood Geysers || <b>Level 80100</b> - For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 116 148 Trauma damage over 8 seconds || Hands, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 8 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 80
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 116 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 85
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 124 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 90
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 132 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 95
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 140 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
*; Level 100
:For 10 seconds after using See Red, all other Lycanthropy attacks deal 148 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +95 119 || OffHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +5
*; Level 80
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +95
*; Level 85
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +101
*; Level 90
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +107
*; Level 95
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +113
*; Level 100
:See Red increases the damage of your next attack by +119
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - See Red grants you 1416% melee evasion for 8 seconds || Head, Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:See Red grants you 7% melee evasion for 8 seconds
*; Level 80
:See Red grants you 14% melee evasion for 8 seconds
*; Level 90
:See Red grants you 15% melee evasion for 8 seconds
*; Level 100
:See Red grants you 16% melee evasion for 8 seconds
| Fear-Scented || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Smell Fear Damage +5567% || Legs, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Smell Fear Damage +10%
*; Level 80
:Smell Fear Damage +55%
*; Level 85
:Smell Fear Damage +58%
*; Level 90
:Smell Fear Damage +61%
*; Level 95
:Smell Fear Damage +64%
*; Level 100
:Smell Fear Damage +67%
| Fear-Scented || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Smell Fear deals +2735% damage and further reduces Rage by 400 500 || Legs, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Smell Fear deals +8% damage and further reduces Rage by 25
*; Level 80
:Smell Fear deals +27% damage and further reduces Rage by 400
*; Level 85
:Smell Fear deals +29% damage and further reduces Rage by 425
*; Level 90
:Smell Fear deals +31% damage and further reduces Rage by 450
*; Level 95
:Smell Fear deals +33% damage and further reduces Rage by 475
*; Level 100
:Smell Fear deals +35% damage and further reduces Rage by 500
| || of Pack Blood || <b>Level 80100</b> - Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +85 105 || Chest, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +10
*; Level 80
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +85
*; Level 85
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +90
*; Level 90
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +95
*; Level 95
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +100
*; Level 100
:Blood of the Pack Healing Boost +105
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Smell Fear deals +3644% damage and taunts -480 600 || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Smell Fear deals +6% damage and taunts -30
*; Level 80
:Smell Fear deals +36% damage and taunts -480
*; Level 85
:Smell Fear deals +38% damage and taunts -510
*; Level 90
:Smell Fear deals +40% damage and taunts -540
*; Level 95
:Smell Fear deals +42% damage and taunts -570
*; Level 100
:Smell Fear deals +44% damage and taunts -600
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Skulk grants you +24 32 Mitigation against all attacks || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 30
:Skulk grants you +4 Mitigation against all attacks
*; Level 80
:Skulk grants you +24 Mitigation against all attacks
*; Level 85
:Skulk grants you +26 Mitigation against all attacks
*; Level 90
:Skulk grants you +28 Mitigation against all attacks
*; Level 95
:Skulk grants you +30 Mitigation against all attacks
*; Level 100
:Skulk grants you +32 Mitigation against all attacks
| || of Pack Blood || <b>Level 80100</b> - Blood of the Pack restores +71 80 Health to you and costs -12 31 Power || OffHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 30
:Blood of the Pack restores +10 Health to you and costs -2 3 Power
*; Level 35
:Blood of the Pack restores +17 15 Health to you and costs -4 5 Power
*; Level 40
:Blood of the Pack restores +24 20 Health to you and costs -6 7 Power
*; Level 45
:Blood of the Pack restores +31 25 Health to you and costs -8 9 Power
*; Level 50
:Blood of the Pack restores +38 30 Health to you and costs -10 11 Power
*; Level 55
:Blood of the Pack restores +45 35 Health to you and costs -12 13 Power
*; Level 60
:Blood of the Pack restores +51 40 Health to you and costs -12 15 Power
*; Level 65
:Blood of the Pack restores +56 45 Health to you and costs -12 17 Power
*; Level 70
:Blood of the Pack restores +61 50 Health to you and costs -12 19 Power
*; Level 75
:Blood of the Pack restores +66 55 Health to you and costs -12 21 Power
*; Level 80
:Blood of the Pack restores +71 60 Health to you and costs -12 23 Power*; Level 85:Blood of the Pack restores +65 Health to you and costs -25 Power*; Level 90:Blood of the Pack restores +70 Health to you and costs -27 Power*; Level 95:Blood of the Pack restores +75 Health to you and costs -29 Power*; Level 100:Blood of the Pack restores +80 Health to you and costs -31 Power
| || of Bonechewing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +16 20 || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +1
*; Level 80
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +16
*; Level 85
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +17
*; Level 90
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +18
*; Level 95
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +19
*; Level 100
:Corpse-Eating Health Regeneration +20
| || of Marrow Power || <b>Level 80100</b> - Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +9 14 || MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 40
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +12
*; Level 45
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +23
*; Level 50
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +34
*; Level 55
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +45
*; Level 60
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +56
*; Level 65
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +67
*; Level 70
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +78
*; Level 75
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +89
*; Level 80
:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +910*; Level 85:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +11*; Level 90:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +12*; Level 95:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +13*; Level 100:Corpse-Eating Power Regeneration +14
| || of Shadow Killing || <b>Level 80100</b> - Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +5264% until you trigger the teleport || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +7% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 80
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +52% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 85
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +55% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 90
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +58% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 95
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +61% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 100
:Shadow Feint raises your Lycanthropy Base Damage +64% until you trigger the teleport
| Feinter's || of Loping || <b>Level 80100</b> - Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +192 240 damage if it is a Werewolf ability || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +12 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
*; Level 80
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +192 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
*; Level 85
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +204 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
*; Level 90
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +216 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
*; Level 95
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +228 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
*; Level 100
:Shadow Feint causes your next attack to deal +240 damage if it is a Werewolf ability
| Feinter's || || <b>Level 80100</b> - When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 83 103 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 8 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +1 for 10 seconds
*; Level 80
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 83 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds
*; Level 85
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 88 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds
*; Level 90
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 93 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds
*; Level 95
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 98 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds
*; Level 100
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 103 Armor and your Sprint Speed is +3 for 10 seconds
| Feinter's || || <b>Level 80100</b> - When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 100 124 Health || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 10 Health
*; Level 80
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 100 Health
*; Level 85
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 106 Health
*; Level 90
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 112 Health
*; Level 95
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 118 Health
*; Level 100
:When you teleport via Shadow Feint, you recover 124 Health
| || || <b>Level 80100</b> - Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 4658% until you trigger the teleport || Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 5% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 80
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 46% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 85
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 49% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 90
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 52% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 95
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 55% until you trigger the teleport
*; Level 100
:Shadow Feint reduces the taunt of all your attacks by 58% until you trigger the teleport
| Skulker's || of Skulking Away || <b>Level 80100</b> - When Skulk is used, you recover 52 68 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -700 860 || Legs, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:When Skulk is used, you recover 15 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -100
*; Level 80
:When Skulk is used, you recover 52 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -700
*; Level 85
:When Skulk is used, you recover 56 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -740
*; Level 90
:When Skulk is used, you recover 60 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -780
*; Level 95
:When Skulk is used, you recover 64 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -820
*; Level 100
:When Skulk is used, you recover 68 Health and all enemies within 10 meters are taunted -860
| Skulker's || of Skulking || <b>Level 80100</b> - Skulk causes your next attack to deal +4355% damage if it is a Crushing attack || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 30
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +8% damage if it is a Crushing attack
*; Level 80
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +43% damage if it is a Crushing attack
*; Level 85
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +46% damage if it is a Crushing attack
*; Level 90
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +49% damage if it is a Crushing attack
*; Level 95
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +52% damage if it is a Crushing attack
*; Level 100
:Skulk causes your next attack to deal +55% damage if it is a Crushing attack
| Skulker's || of Skulking || <b>Level 80100</b> - Skulk grants you +7086% Projectile Evasion || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 30
:Skulk grants you +20% Projectile Evasion
*; Level 80
:Skulk grants you +70% Projectile Evasion
*; Level 85
:Skulk grants you +74% Projectile Evasion
*; Level 90
:Skulk grants you +78% Projectile Evasion
*; Level 95
:Skulk grants you +82% Projectile Evasion
*; Level 100
:Skulk grants you +86% Projectile Evasion
| || || <b>Level 100</b> - If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +21 until triggered. || Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +2 until triggered.
*; Level 10
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +3 until triggered.
*; Level 15
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +4 until triggered.
*; Level 20
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +5 until triggered.
*; Level 25
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +6 until triggered.
*; Level 30
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +7 until triggered.
*; Level 35
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +8 until triggered.
*; Level 40
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +9 until triggered.
*; Level 45
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +10 until triggered.
*; Level 50
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +11 until triggered.
*; Level 55
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +12 until triggered.
*; Level 60
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +13 until triggered.
*; Level 65
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +14 until triggered.
*; Level 70
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +15 until triggered.
*; Level 75
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +16 until triggered.
*; Level 80
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +17 until triggered.
*; Level 85
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +18 until triggered.
*; Level 90
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +19 until triggered.
*; Level 95
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +20 until triggered.
*; Level 100
:If you are reduced to 0 health while Shadow Feint is active, it automatically triggers and cancels the damage. In addition, Shadow Feint boosts your accuracy +21 until triggered.