Updating to v416
<noinclude><!-- Updated on Fri Oct Sat Dec 14 2024 04 2024 23:2411:28 GMT-0600 0700 (Mountain Daylight Standard Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator -->
</noinclude><includeonly>{{ #switch: {{{2}}} | 1 | 32 = <span class="extimage32px">| 2 | 64 = <span class="extimage64px"> | }}{{ #if: {{{1|}}} |
{{ #replace: http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v414v416/icons/icon_{{ #switch: {{padleft: | 1 | {{ lc: {{{1}}} }} }}
| a = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| AcidAuraBall1 = 3403
| BatIllusionSlashA = 3553
| BatIllusionSlashB = 3553
| BeakMultipierce = 2129
| BeakPierce = 2129
| BearBite = 2129
| BearBite_Pet = 2129
| BitingVineSpitB = 3481
| BleddynHowl = 2111
| BloodstormBash = 2110
| BloodstormSmash = 3844
| BossMegaHammer = 3415
| BossMegaHammer2 = 3415
| c = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| CerberusBite = 2129
| CerberusBlast = 2129
| CerberusRage = 2129
| CiervosDarknessBomb = 3418
| CiervosNightmareHoof = 3418
| DragonWormBite = 2129
| DragonWormEscape = 0
| DragonWormMindworm = 3070
| DragonWormPsychicRage = 2129
| DragonWormRage = 2129
| DragonWormSmack = 2112
| GiantScorpionSting = 3402
| GnasherBite = 2129
| GnasherBloodPull = 2129
| GnasherBloodSpew = 2129
| GnasherRend = 2129
| GoatBite = 2129
| TentakillerTouch = 3485
| TheFogCurse = 3070
| ThrallKick = 2204
| ThrallSuckerPunch = 2119
| TornadoFling = 2110
| TornadoJolt1 = 3070
| v = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| VampireDenSpikeTrap = 3421
| VanityPeck = 3485
| ViperBite = 2152
| http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v414v416/icons/icon_.png <!-- result when no match is found, will be #replaced -->
| <span style="color:red">Error: Ability not found</span> }} | [[File:Item-icon-none.png]] }}{{ #switch: {{{2}}} | 1 | 2 | 32 | 64 = </span> | }}</includeonly><noinclude>
[[Category:Formatting templates]]