Updating to v414
<noinclude><!-- Updated on Sat Dec 16 2023 01Fri Oct 04 2024 23:5524:49 28 GMT-0700 0600 (Mountain Standard Daylight Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator --></noinclude><includeonly>{{ #switch: {{{2}}} | 1 | 32 = <span class="extimage32px">| 2 | 64 = <span class="extimage64px"> | }}{{ #if: {{{1|}}} | {{ #replace: http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v400v414/icons/icon_{{ #switch: {{padleft: | 1 | {{ lc: {{{1}}} }} }}
| a = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| AcidAuraBall1 = 3403
| AcidAuraBall3 = 3403
| AcidAuraBall4 = 3403
| AcidAuraBallPet = 3403
| AcidBall1 = 3403
| AcidBall2 = 3403
| AktaariSlash1 = 3486
| AktaariSlash2 = 3486
| AktaariSlow = 3702
| AlienDog_Punch = 2117
| AlienDog_Punch2 = 2117
| AlienDog_RagePunch = 2117
| AnimalBite = 2129
| AnimalBossSelfBuffDamage = 2152
| AnimalClaw = 2130
| AnimalFlee = 2129
| AnimalOmegaBite = 2129
| AnimalOmegaBite2 = 2129
| ArmShrivel = 2240
| b = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| BossSlime_SummonSlime1 = 2161
| BossSlime_SummonSlime7Elite = 2161
| BossSlime_SummonSlime9Elite = 2161
| BrainBite = 2129
| BrainDrain = 2129
| CockatriceTailWhip = 2130
| ColdAuraBurst = 2131
| ColdFireWallAttack = 2206
| ColdFireWallRage = 2207
| ColdSphereBurst = 2130
| ColdSphereFreezeBurst = 2131
| CultistArrow1 = 3310
| CultistArrow2 = 3310
| CultistBloodBlast = 3597
| CultistBloodSphere = 3426
| CultistOmegaArrow = 3310
| CultistSword1 = 2121
| DroachBiteB = 2129
| DroachBreatheFire = 2129
| DroachBreatheWater = 2129
| DroachDarknessBall = 3043
| DroachDarknessBreath = 3429
| DroachFireball = 3069
| DroachFireballPerching = 3069
| DroachShockingKnockback = 2129
| DruidHealingSanctuaryHeal = 3328
| DwarfHammererLeapingSmash = 3475
| DwarfHammererPound = 3472
| DwarfHammererZap = 3637
| e = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| ElementalHateFireball3 = 3070
| ElementalSlam = 3322
| ElfBarrage = 2102
| ElfCastigate = 3727
| ElfCloudSight = 3485
| ElfCrushingBall = 2209
| ElfDecapitate = 3045
| ElfElementalWard = 3641
| ElfFanOfBlades = 3602
| ElfFinishingBlow = 2106
| ElfFlamestrike = 3739
| ElfFlashingStrike = 3443
| ElfHackingBlade = 3024
| ElfHamstringThrow = 3598
| ElfHeadbutt = 3323
| ElfInvincibleAura = 2127
| ElfLifesap = 3850
| ElfLightningBolt = 3850
| ElfMarkingCut = 3591
| ElfMendFlesh = 3729
| ElfPunch = 3323
| ElfRotskin = 3482
| ElfSpeedPotion = 3702
| ElfSurpriseThrow = 3599
| ElfToxinball = 3403
| EnemyMinigolemExplode = 2206
| EnemyMinigolemHeal = 2108
| FireTrapAttack1 = 3325
| FireWallAttack1 = 2206
| FireWallAttackTaunty1 = 2206
| FireWallDotAttack1 = 2207
| FireWallDotAttackTaunty1 = 2207
| FlapSkullBigBite = 2129
| FlapSkullBite = 2129
| GiantBeetleBoulderSpit = 2209
| GiantBeetleInject = 3252
| GiantLungsDemonicBlast = 3307
| GiantLungsRageHeal = 3729
| GiantLungsSummon1 = 3558
| GiantLungsSummon2 = 3558
| GiantLungsSummon3 = 3558
| GiantLungsSummonDemonic = 3558
| GiantScorpionClawA = 3553
| GiantScorpionClawB = 3553
| GoblinSwordSlashGuztok = 2121
| GoblinZapBall = 3070
| GreenDragonBite = 3067
| GreenDragonBreathe = 3874
| GreenDragonRage = 3874
| Grickfix = 2108
| Gricklick = 2129
| HagAgingTouch = 3551
| HealingAura = 3328
| HealingFireWallAttack1 = 2206
| HealingFireWallAttack2 = 2206
| HealingFireWallAttack3 = 2206
| HealingFireWallRageAttack1 = 2207
| HealingFireWallRageAttack2 = 2207
| HealingFireWallRageAttack3 = 2207
| HexapusBite = 3485
| HexapusBossSpit = 3485
| HexapusBulkSpit = 3485
| HexapusMegaSpit = 3485
| KrakenSlam = 2132
| KrakenWorldBossRageCurse = 2178
| KunaxBreathe = 3874
| KuvouAttack1 = 3485
| KuvouAttack2 = 3485
| l = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| LamiaBossMindControl = 3485
| LamiaMindControl = 3485
| LamiaRage = 3485
| LethargyPuckFrostbite = 3586
| LethargyPuckRage = 3499
| LimbWrench = 2240
| m = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| MantisAcidBurst = 2130
| MantisBeam = 3043
| MantisBeamLongRanged = 3043
| MantisBlast = 3043
| MantisBossBlast = 3043
| MantisClaw = 2130
| MantisPainBubbleLongRanged = 2130
| MantisPainBubbleMelee = 2130
| MantisPainBubbleRanged = 2130
| MantisPortal = 3711
| MantisRage = 2130
| MantisRageBeam = 3043
| MinotaurBoulder = 2209
| MinotaurClub = 3472
| MinotaurGore = 3323
| MinotaurLightning = 3637
| MinotaurRageClub = 3471
| MinotaurStun = 3043
| MonsterGolemBombToss = 3403
| MonsterGolemPunch = 2119
| MonsterGolemRageAcidToss = 3403
| MonsterWerewolfHowl = 2111
| MonsterWerewolfPackAttack = 2114
| MushroomMonster_SummonMushroomSpawn3 = 2195
| MushroomMonster_SummonMushroomSpawn8 = 2195
| MushroomMonster_SummonMushroomSpawn9 = 2195
| Myconian_Bash = 2105
| Myconian_BossBash = 2105
| OrcStaffSmash = 2189
| OrcSummonSigil1 = 3324
| OrcSummonSigil2 = 3324
| OrcSummonUrak2 = 2195
| OrcSwordSlash = 2121
| SnailStrike = 2130
| SpecialBuffArmor = 3868
| SpecialBuffBodilyResistance = 3868
| SpecialBuffElementalResistance = 3868
| SpecialBuffIndirectProtection = 3868
| SpecialBuffNextAttacks = 3868
| SpecialBuffRegeneration = 3868
| SpecialBuffUnstoppable = 3868
| SpiderPin = 2131
| SpikeTrapReusable = 3421
| SprigganRageBurst = 3778
| SprigganWeedBite = 3485
| SpyPortalZap = 2149
| SpyPortalZap2 = 2149
| StrigaReap2 = 2117
| StunTrapExplode = 3769
| SunStatueBolt = 3733
| SunStatueBurst = 3739
| t = {{ #switch: {{{1}}}
| TrainingGolemStun = 2105
| TraumaticGobble = 2207
| TreantBlessings = 3635 | TreantDoT1 = 34723403 | TreantSlashA = 34723486 | TreantSlashB = 34723486
| TreantStomp = 3472
| TriffidClawA = 3067
| http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v400v414/icons/icon_.png <!-- result when no match is found, will be #replaced -->
| <span style="color:red">Error: Ability not found</span> }} | [[File:Item-icon-none.png]] }}{{ #switch: {{{2}}} | 1 | 2 | 32 | 64 = </span> | }}</includeonly><noinclude>
[[Category:Formatting templates]]