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Ferris Blueheart

1,381 bytes added, 10 March
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== Conversations == <{{Quote|source=[[Ferris Blueheart]]|I recognize that smell, have you been infected with hellfire sickness?'''I guess that's what this is, yes.''' Here, take this. Chug the whole thing at once without taking breaks. I know it's a lot, but you'll feel an immediate sense of relief afterward. That's the infernal influence leaving your body.  '''Huh, thanks.'''}}{{Quote|source=[[Ferris Blueheart]]|Oh, hello. '''Do you have any more of that Hellfreeze?''': I'm afraid it's in extremely short supply, and I can't spare any more right now. I can teach you how to make it, though.;: You can?: Yes, of course! It's a technique of my own design. You can utilize the anti-demon properties of the Rubywall itself to reverse the polarity of the demonic influence within and essence, and then the essence itself becomes anti- List any long demon! I'm still working on a proposal to submit to the Council Mages themselves, I think they'll be very pleased with my work.;: Good luck with that.  '''Hi. What are you doing here?''' Oh, me? I am an Assistant to the Council Mages. I'm their eyes and potentially important conversations ears in this region, keeping them informed about the NPC may demons and their movements. '''Don't they have. Even if some automated way of doing that?''' Well, they do, but sometimes there are nonethings a living being can pick up on that automated sensors cannot. For instance, you must include this headerthe sheer fear and depression that we face when certain waves of demons come through the Rubywall. Automated sensors cannot accurately convey those emotions. '''I see. -->'''}}
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