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1,210 bytes added, 07:57, 2 October 2014
Adding some content from blog posts
When a creature is slain, a special effect and distinctive sound indicates that there is '''Rare''', '''Epic''' or '''Legendary''' loot on them.
==Item BonusesAugments==Finding loot in Project: Gorgon is exciting because higher tier items come with the game uses a wide variety of ability enhancing mods"random treasure" system which is more commonly found in ARPG games. The combination of those mods Players can be anywhere from a "bad roll" to occasionally strike gold with an "amazing , game-balance-destroying itemevery now and again.<ref name="blog1"> Gorgon Random Treasure</ref>
'''For instance, if you’re an [[Belt|Lucky Belts attune the random-treasure system to specific skillsUnarmed]]'''fighter, you’ll love gauntlets that make your Punch attack heal you. Be sure to wear the proper belt You punch a lot, so that that’s a huge power boost and very noticeable. On the loot other hand, you find is much more likely may prefer gauntlets that cause your Punch to enhance do extra damage, or that cause your choice Cobra Strike to stun more reliably. But an amazing pair of primary and secondary skillsgauntlets would do all three things.
Augments come in levels. For instance, the first tier of Health-Enchantment gives you +5 max health. The next tier gives you +10 health. And so on. Here are a few examples of such bonusesaugments currently found in alpha:
: <ability> attacks heals you for 120
: <ability> causes your Sprint speed to increase by 10 for 10 seconds
: <ability> also restores 30 armor to you
: <ability> removes ongoing Poison effects (up to 30 dmg/sec)
====Stacking Effects====
Augments with the same name don’t stack. So you might find a helmet and a shirt that have “Enchanted Punch Damage +5″, but wearing both doesn’t give you a +10 bonus, just a +5 bonus. However, many abilities come in several flavors. For instance, there might be Enchanted Punch Damage (magically enhancing your fists), Comfort-Bonus Damage (you can hurt people more because your armor is so comfortable), and Placebo Effect Bonus (your punches do extra damage because you think they will). These have different names, so they all stack.<ref name="blog1"/>
====Lucky Belts====
[[Belt|Lucky Belts]] attune the random-treasure system to specific skills. Be sure to wear the proper belt so that the loot you find is much more likely to enhance your choice of primary and secondary skills.
==Gear and Equipment Types==
It's far less likely for an item to have more than two skill requirements on it (Sept. 15 2014 Update).
==BlogReferences==* [http:<references // Gorgon Random Treasure] (May 15, 2012)>