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Animal Handling

1,822 bytes added, 08:20, 26 July 2016
Added a few of the tamable bear's stats
===Pets Stats===
Cats and Rats information is possibly outdated after the [[Game updates/2016-07-23|July 23 Animal Handling patch]]. Data on level 60 pets needed. Gathered from chat (needs tidying up):;Rats * At skill 50 the [[Giant Rat]] has 200 Armor and 306 Health (Same with Giant Plains Rat)* At skill 50 the [[Sewer Rat]] has 279 Armor and 506 Health ;Cats
* At skill 50 [[Hissy]] (It's combat level is 55 even if the current max level of animal handling is 50) has 582 Armor, 916 health, and a Rage meter of 1077, with no special abilities.
* At skill 50 [[Old Fangsworth]] has 279 Armor, 906 health, and a Rage Meter of 739. Its attacks deal 57 and 60 slashing damage to an unarmored opponent at about a 2 second reuse, with its rage attack dealing 80 slashing damage.
* At skill 50 the [[Razorslash Panther]] has 200 Armor and 706 Health, with no special abilities.
* At skill 50 the [[Fey Panther Groupie]] has 306 Armor, 1359 Health, and 1294 Rage. It has a Slashing Damage, Heavy Slashing Damage, and Ranged Heal abilities. The heal affects the player, the pet, other pets and the player's group. (Updated)
 ;Bears* At [[Angry Bear]] is skill level 18 when tamed and has 44 Armor, 60 Health, and 72 Power. Its Special Abilities are Heavy Crushing Damage and Slashing Damage and Self-Heal +40. Its base damage boost is 34. (all values at level 18)*[[Graz]] is skill level 35 when tamed and has 203 Armor, 113 Health, and 101 Power. Its Special Abilities are Crushing Damage and Stun and Slashing Damage and Self-Heal +60. Its base damage boost is 56. (all values at level 35)*[[Grottofang]] is skill level 50 when tamed and has 312 Armor, 356 Health, and 128 Power. Its Special Abilities are Crushing Damage and Stun and Slashing Damage and Self-Heal +80. Its base damage boost is 65. (all values at level 50 the )*[[Giant RatIce Bear]] is skill level 43 when tamed and has 200 259 Armor , 288 Health, and 113 Power. Its Special Abilities are Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +15 and Slashing Damage and Taunt +180. Its base damage boost is 47. (all values at level 43)*[[Preserved Polar Bear]] is skill level 43 when tamed and 306 has 259 Armor, 288 Health , and 113 Power. Its Special Abilities are Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +15 and Slashing Damage and Taunt +180. Its base damage boost is 47. (Same with Giant Plains Ratall values at level 43)* At [[The Magnifier]] is skill level 50 when tamed and has 185 Armor, 356 Health, and 128 Power. Its Special Abilities are Heavy Crushing Damage and Slashing Damage and Taunt +240. Its base damage boost is 100. (all values at level 50 the )*[[Sewer RatTrained Crushing Bear]] is skill level 30 when tamed and has 279 153 Armor , 104 Health, and 92 Power. Its Special Abilities are Slashing Damage and Taunt +180 and Crushing Damage and 506 HealthStun. Its base damage boost is 34. (all values at level 30)