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876 bytes added, 18:14, 28 April 2017
Rumors: Added rumors.
For a fee, accepted in the form of single-Council alms, [[Three-Eyes]] is willing to provide information and insights about the citizens of Rahu.
{{Spoiler|*;Let Shirogin use you as a dummy to model clothing on (5 hours) First Rumor:50 favor with ShiroginYou know the Tasty Cat, that tacky little restaurant near the docks? The [[Nishika|owner]] catered the last [[Formal Execution]], and now [[General Pask|Pask]] won't stop talking about their disgusting cat-meat dishes. He loves the place! So tacky, right?:Rahu Society Glove*;Help Shirogin prepare new textiles (7 hours) Second Rumor:80 favor A funny one for you: that crazy little rak, [[Lakrea]], the one that teaches 'wellness'... she's in love with Shirogin:Recipe the [[Ashk|creepy soothsayer]] near the docks! I guess there's a mate out there for everybody... well, not for me, but for Gold Dyeeverybody else. ''Sniff.''*;Gossip with Shirogin about the generals of Rahu (5 hours) Third Rumor:42 favor with ShiroginYou know that [[Lady Windsong|talking bird]] that's always snooping around? I heard it's not a bird at all. It's a d-r-u-i-d. Unconfirmed, so don't freak out. But if it's true, we're in big trouble.; Fourth Rumor:SelaxiThe [[Onkara]] went after the desert bandits again last week. I hear it didn's Cactus Mixert go too well. The bandits were better-equipped than ever before!*;Help cut cloth for a new shirt (2 hours)Fifth Rumor:12 favor Rumor is that the Council war with Shiroginthose demons isn't going so well. I hear the [[Rubywalls]] are cracking!; Sixth Rumor:3x Strong Spider Silk}}I heard that [[General Pask]] is running out of orc prisoners to execute. Rumor is that Pask is hoping for another orcish invasion attempt so that he can keep the [[Formal Execution]] parties going. They're his favorite thing!
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Rahu NPCs]][[Category:Rakshasa]]