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NPC Template

No change in size, 15:26, 14 June 2017
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Now, add the NPC Category [[Category:NPCs]]. Also add the proper category for the NPC's location. [[Category: Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: South Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: Eltibule NPCs]], ect.
If the NPC is also in a location, add that tag too! [[Category: Serbule Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Hogan's Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Amulna NPCs]]
Also add an anatomy type for the NPC. [[Category: Human]], [[Category: Elven]], [[Category: FeyFae]] (Rakshasa, Goblin, Giant, Fungoid, Canine et al.).
If the NPC is a vendor (they buy or sell items), add [[Category: Vendor]].
If the NPC trains or teaches a skill, add [[Category: Skill Trainer]].