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2,345 bytes added, 15:22, 15 August 2017
Updated to template and added some basic info.
__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Cheesemaking|image = [[File:Cheesemaking_skill.png|300px]]|caption = Making cheese, butter, and other dairy products. But mostly: cheese.|skilltype = Trade Skill|maxlevel = 70 <!--List without bonus levels -->|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|skilltrainers = [[Fainor]], [[Braigon]]}}
Please edit the ingame description here and uncomment sectionMoo?
-->== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview=='''[[Cheesemaking''' ]] is a time intensive skill revolving around the art production of making cheese, butter, and other dairy products. But mostly: cheesecheeses.
Cheese is marked as a [[Cooking|Prepared Food]] and as a [[Dairy Food]] for purposes of [[Favor|gift giving]] (ie. earning favor from NPCs).
The first (Level 0) recipe for this (Butter) can be learned from [[Fainor]] or [[Braigon]].
=== In-Game Description ===
Making cheese, butter, and other dairy products. But mostly: cheese.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* [[Braigon]] is a Cheesemaker in [[Eltibule]], and is willing to share his craft. [[Braigon]] can also raise the level cap from 51-60.
<!* [[Fainor]], the Chortling Beaver Innkeeper in [[Serbule]], can teach the recipe for Butter. == Connected Skills ======= Sub-Skills: =====* None===== Secondary Skills: =====* [[Cooking]]===== Related Skills: =====* [[Mycology]] -Cheesemakers will want to learn [[Mycology]], as Rennet is produced through this skill.* [[Cow]] - transclusing tables Cows can make Milk, a necessary ingredient for easier edits/updates [[Cheesemaking]].* [[Carpentry]] -->Carpenters can craft the [[Firkin]]s and [[Kilderkin]]s used in [[Cheesemaking]].===== Synergy Levels: =====Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Cheesemaking]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels::; [[Cow]]:: Level 19, Level 41 == Recipe Lists ==
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Caves ===
A few [[Cheesemaking]] recipes require {{Item|Kilderkin}} or {{Item|Firkin}}. These cheeses must be aged in caves before they can be consumed. <br>
For example, a {{Item|Firkin of Camembert Cheese}} must be placed in a cool, damp cave for 2 hours. <br>
Caves that are "cool and damp" are those that have water in them. [[Crystal Cavern]] and [[Myconian Cave]] are two [[Serbule]] caves commonly used by [[Cheesemaking|Cheesemakers]].
=== Stomachs ===
A Cheesemaker will often find themselves in need of a Rennet for their recipes. <br>
{{Item|Basic Rennet}}, {{Item|Strong Rennet}}, and {{Item|Pungent Rennet}} are crafted through [[Mycology]], and require a supply of {{Item|Stomach}}s to make.
=== Whey and Sweet Whey ===
Some [[Cheesemaking]] recipes call for a {{Item|Bottle of Whey}} or {{Item|Bottle of Sweet Whey}}. These are acidic byproducts of the Cheesemaking process, and certain cheese recipes will produce them.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Trivia ==Cheesemaking was the first skill in the game with recipes that took time to complete.<!--==SourcesGallery==* [httpgallery mode="nolines" widths=200px>File://projectgorgonCheesecasks.png|A group of player cheese</2014/01/game-update-forgallery>-january-4/ Game Update for January 4]>[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Trade Skills]]