Added the rest of Silvonis's posts from the second forum.
===== The Second Forum =====
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The following are not all of Silvonis's forum posts, just those that answer important questions, not related to tech support. Please note that newer posts are listed higher in this list. Older information may be outdated.
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==== Forums Closed ====: Attention: These forums will be closing and will become read-only on Monday, January 9th, 2017. At that point, the new forums will become the official forums of Project: Gorgon! Please register there as soon as possible.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/new-and-announcements/3495-forums-closing-01-09-2017#17887==== Birthday on new forums? ====: We are legally required to get that information, but it is kept private and is not shared unless you choose to make it available in your profile:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/new-and-announcements/3470-project-gorgon-new-forums#17751==== NDA ====: We don't have an NDA and as such you are free to stream. We are listed on Twitch so you can set the game to Project: Gorgon. The only thing we do add is that we are currently in alpha and that may be relevant information for your viewers.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/community-questions-answers/3449-i-m-new-so-i-have-a-streaming-question#17630==== CDN ====: We use a professional CDN Distribution Network with servers located around the world. The download speed will vary depending on the person's location, their internet speed and the connection to the closest CDN server. There is nothing really to troubleshoot because we don't control the factors outside of choosing the CDN and we don't plan on changing that. Hopefully it improves for you.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/support/3425-slow-update-download-speed#17500==== Housing ====: It will be instanced.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/general-gorgon-discussion/3380-housing-since-it-was-brought-up-in-game#17312==== Item rarity colors ====: As previously discussed, we will focus on this specifically as it fits within the upcoming GUI redesign. We are actively working on the new GUI, so just hang in there with us.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/support/3360-consistent-readable-rarity-color-theme#17198==== SotA? ====: We are friends with the SotA team and I've been speaking with Dallas and Richard about our Project for quite some time. I discussed this with them and I'm honored to have their support!:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/new-and-announcements/3339-project-gorgon-indiegogo-campaign-is-now-live?start=10#17166==== Horse Mount ====: We are starting with a horse mount, but you never know what mounts we will see in the future! As for character customization, yes there will be more options for character customization. As for the last question, there are many players who've obtained currency and loot through unintended game mechanics and players are essentially twinking out their characters because they view the current level cap as max level and are stacking their characters. Once the game has been released, most players won't have stacked gear at this level as they will be moving through at the normal rate of progression.:: http://oldforum.projectgorgon.com/forum/general-gorgon-discussion/3118-developer-info-round-up#16135
==== Change the game Engine ? (No) ====
: Thanks for your feedback, but won't be changing game engines. While we are pushing the boundaries of the Unity Engine, it's on a similar level to those that you linked. I won't be going into specifics, but changing engines wouldn't necessarily fix the issues you mentioned. I'm going to close this thread because we don't plan on changing engines. Thanks again for your feedback.
: As I'm reading through this thread, I thought that it would be prudent to point out that we are currently dealing with mid-level dungeons, mobs, bosses, etc. What's that have to do with anything? Well, since we are in development there is an artificial stop in progression so this stage is being viewed as "end game" and players have spent a considerable amount of time and effort in leveling skills and getting gear.
: In short, players are over powered and that's not reflective of what to expect at release. At this stage, upon release, players will be working their way through skills and gear as natural progression dictates. Skills and gear levels will be different and those two factors significantly effect difficulty and group make up.
: I just wanted to put that out there so it can be taken into consideration as these conversations develop.
:: http://projectgorgon.com/forum/general-gorgon-discussion/3054-current-state-of-tanking?start=40#15729
==== AFK Players ====
==== No Storage ====
: We've said it numerous times, but storage is intended to be limited. If you want to save every item that you ever find, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. If you want to complete every crafting skill, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. If you want to max out multiple skills and have multiple armor sets, that's fine but you will have to work to maintain proper storage. The bottom line is that it's not an issue on whether there is enough storage, but rather the work involved in order to maintain it.
: If you find yourself spending significant amounts of time on storage management, then it's by choice. There is a mentality that you need to keep everything because it may become valuable or you may need it at some point in the future. If you are finding yourself having storage issues, I would suggest clearing out any item that you don't use on a regular basis. If you do that, you would be surprised on how much space you actually "need".
:: http://projectgorgon.com/forum/support/2669-change-to-the-storage-system?start=20#14641