→Lore: Updated spoiler.
{{Spoiler|Nameless Guardian's relation to other monsters.|
He is implied to be [[Ursula]]'s father and subsequently [[Khyrulek]]'s spouse through a number of sources. He is allegedly blamed by [[Khyrulek]] for Ursula becoming "twisted" at the hands of her old mentor [[Locus]] when they traveled to see if he could solve [[Ursula]]'s poor state of health caused by [[Khyrulek]]'s implied practice of the dark arts, possibly whilst pregnant with [[Ursula]])and was subsequently cursed to never have his name mentioned again, as to be forgotten to the passage of time. It is unknown if he was turned undead by [[Khyrulek]] whilst he was still alive, or postmortem and whether or not if this was done by Khyrulek before she became a Lich, or after by the [[Khyrulek's True Form]] as a way to spite him for his failures, and simply as a stereotypical act that the undead have no control over performing in their current state which would be justified by [[Khyrulek's True Form]] being the manifestation of his wife's animosity.
{{Spoiler|More relationship information|It is implied that the relationship he had with Khyrulek whilst intimate, he had trust issues, as Khyrulek states in her diary that he had knowledge of her craft, despite him not being told formally about it, and what he says in his Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text, and that he also didn't approve of it.
{{Spoiler|==Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text==|
''I can't believe I couldn't save her.''
{{Spoiler|If you use the psychology skill's ability "Tell me about your mother" he will tell you:!|
''(...) sacrificing my daughter to that bitch''