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Project: Gorgon Wiki β



32 bytes added, 23:14, 24 January 2018
no edit summary
/* Changes the background color of the category link box. */
#catlinks { background-color:#1e1615ff;}
div.editOptions {color:#000000;}
/* Changes table of contents style. */
div#toc { background-color:#1e1615ff;color:#ffffff}
/* Changes the box with "Main Page, Recent Changes, Random Page, Help */
#p-navigation {background-color:#9c8865ff;color:#000000;}
#p-navigation a {color:#e5b964ff;}
/* Changes background color of the upper left logo */
#p-logo {background-color:#9c8865ff;color:#e5b964;}
/* Changes Tools box */
#p-tb {background-color:#9c8865ff;color:#e5b964;}
#p-tb a:link {color:#e5b964ff;}
#footer {background-color:#9c8865ff;color:#000000;}
#footer a:link {color:#e5b964ff;}