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Elder Game: Project Gorgon Screenshot Diary

1,719 bytes removed, 22:56, 26 January 2018
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(Apparently if you don’t have Another week of MMO development has come to a Google+ account those pictures can’t be seen? What close! Things are changing really fast now, so I wanted to take some quick screenshots to capture the heck current moment for posterity. This is up with that?! Guess I’ll do it the old fashioned way… click to enlarge all taken from a 5 minute excursion through “ForestArea1″, one of the imagesalpha-test areas.)
This freaky elven vendor is oblivious to the rain, but he has great prices on equipment! It's all dummy equipment, but I still need to wear something or I'll get massacred out there. I pick up some historically accurate armor, a sword, a shield, and some pants. Waiting out the rain in a crappy shack. Unfortunately the rain never ends, because it's buggy. Ah well. A quick server restart, and... I was about to examine this glowy gravestone to get Lore XP when a wizard fireballed me to death. On the https://plus side, I earned XP in the Dying skill. (And hey, I think that tombstone is floating slightly off the ground! Oops, another buggoogle. Err, I mean, "what a mysterious land!") Off in the distance, a skeleton stops chasing me. Right now they yell everything they do, for testing purposes. The recipe system is still not finished. I didn't quite get it working today. The prefabricated character models I'm using for early alpha-testing have a problem: the armor is built into the model and is non-removable. So I'm supposedly wearing a green shirt and green gloves, but none of those clothing choices can be shown on the model. Poor girl is stuck in that outfit forever. (Weapons and shields can be changed, though.) A pleasant lake full of tasty fish. Catching fish currently involves going underwater and... grabbing them. The "underwater" mechanics are mostly still missing: it just blurs the camera and makes you movecom/photos/115229764504220999980/albums/jump slowly right now. When I came out of the water, a skeleton arrowed me to death. When I respawned, I came back and fireballed him to death. Yay, it advanced my quest! (The bare-bones quest system was just finished tonight.) That's the skeleton saying "Aw man, not again" as he crumples to the ground. The dialog bubble isn't lining up quite right, sigh. There's so much left to do! But it's starting to be fun just to play around in, which is a good sign.5658851407187863217
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