'''Dusty The [[Tattered Journal''' ]] is a notebook [[Lorebook]] found in the [[Serbule Crypt]]. It appears to contain writings have been written by [[Khyrulek]].{{Quote |icon=book|= Content ==
}}==How to ObtainRelated Lore ==:::[[Khyrulek]][[Category:ItemsLorebook]][[Category:Register of Lore]]
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{{ItemTLorebooks infobox|title = Tattered Journal|thumb|iconlochint=bookFound in a tomb in Serbule|Dusty Journalcategory= Plot|A mage's journal. Most of the pages are turning to dust, but one dog-eared page has been magically preserved by someone.area= [[Serbule Crypt]]|Value: 5:Right Click to Readvisibility= Hidden Until Found
You notice that certain words are capitalized inappropriately in the text. How odd.
(Here the writing becomes very small and precise, as if written with great concentration). In exchange for the goddess's gem, [[Loicus]] said he could save [[Ursula]]. But it was a trick. He twisted her, twisted! He thought I wouldn't See what he did, but he was a fool. And then I.... and now not even Death can stop me, and I will have my revenge on him and all his people. He will suffer the way...