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1,140 bytes added, 11:07, 17 June 2021
Created a Link for Psychology in the Quest Reward section.
|title = Riger
|image = [[File:Riger_NPC.png|300px]]
|caption = He looks depressed.|zone = [[Anagoge Island]]
|location = Inside a shack near the dock.
|anatomy = Elven
|species = Elf
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = All
|skilltrainer = [[Psychology]]
== Quests ==
* [[Cheer Up Riger]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - When you first awoke on an island, you met an elf named Riger who seemed depressed and asked for something to cure his depression. Unfortunately, he wasn't clear about what that might be. {{Hint|Anagoge used to be home to a school, perhaps there are still potion books or notes around somewhere.}}
<spoiler show="{{Spoiler|Reward for Cheer Up Riger">|Reward: 100 Alchemy XP, Permission to read Riger's Bookwhich teaches the combat skill [[Psychology]].</spoiler>}}
==DialogueConversations =={{Quote|:Oh. So you're the corpse they tossed on the beach. I guess you weren't dead. Well, welcome to hell island. There's no way off this island and you'll soon die like the others.:'''Who are you?''':I think my name is [[Riger]]. That's what a [[Crone-Kin_Anatomy|crone]] called me once. They stole my memories. Ripped them from my head! My skills, too! I mean, I can barely read now. I have to assume I knew a lot of things, but now... nothing. Do you know who you are?::'''It's all hazy...'''::The [[Crone-Kin_Anatomy|crones]] called you (player name) when they tossed you here. One of them said you might be a [[Prodigy]], but ... well, a Prodigy wouldn't be here with their mind blanked, would they?:::'''What's a Prodigy?''':::Wow, your mind-wipe went deep, didn't it? Poor bastard. A [[Prodigy]] is someone born with one of the four gifts. Things like super learning or amazing physical strength. Don't worry about it... you aren't one.:::'''Will my memories come back?''':::No. They stole them out of your head, same as mine. They'll never come back. We're going to be like this forever: stupid and ignorant in a hut.:::'''Who are the crones?''':::They're just some [[Crone-Kin_Anatomy|crones]] that come by every month or two. They leave a few bodies in the sand. Sometimes they leave us food or supplies, but not very often.::::'''What's a crone?'''::::They're a race of people, like [[Elven Anatomy|elves]] or [[Human|humans]], but uglier. They stink pretty badly and like to cackle. That's all I know.::::'''Why do they bring people here?'''::::No idea. I mean, if they wanted to kill people, they'd just throw them into the sea. But they carefully row ashore and then dump people on the beach.:::::'''What is a crone?''':::::They're a race of people... (see above):::::'''Is that how you got here?''':::::Yeah, I guess so. It was a while ago.::::::'''What is a crone?'''::::::They're a race of people... (see above)::::::'''When will they return again?'''::::::A month, maybe.:::::::'''Damn, that's too long. There has to be a way off this island!''':::::::Sure, just swim to [[Serbule]]. It's only a few miles.
Oh:::::::Wait, you look optimistic. That was a joke! You can't swim to [[Serbule]]. If the extreme currents didn't kill you, the devil sharks would. So No, you're the corpse they tossed on the beachstuck here.::::::::'''I really want to escape.'''::::::::Suit yourself, tiger. :::'''Is there anything I guess can do for you weren?''':::I don't deadknow... (see below):'''Wait, who am I?''':The crones called you... (see above):'''Nice house you've got here. ''':Oh, this old thing? Well, welcome to hell islandthe bed is mine. You can sleep on the porch. The skeletons don't come up here, so you'll be safe. There:'s no ''Is there a way off this island and ?''':Sure, just swim to Serbule... (see above):'''Is there anything I can do for you?''' (Asking this question gives the quest [[Cheer Up Riger]].):I don't know. I mean, I don't even want to escape, youknow? It doesn't matter anymore. I think I'm seriously depressed. But I can't figure out a fix. I wish I could feel some hope again. ::'''Heavy. Well, I'll soon die like see what I can do.'''}}{{Spoiler|Reading the otherstextbook|'''As you start to read, Riger stops you.'''
* '''Who are you?''' I think my name is Riger. Get away from that! That's what a crone called me once. They stole my memories. Ripped them from my headmine! My skills, tooHow dare you! I mean, I can barely read now. I have to assume I knew a lot of things, but now... nothing. Do you know who you are? * '''It's all hazy...'''}}The crones called you (player's name) when they tossed you here. One of them said you might be a Prodigy, but ... well, a Prodigy wouldn't be here with their mind blanked, would they?{{Spoiler|Alternative greetings|* '''What's a Prodigy?''' Wow, your mind-wipe went deep, didn't it? Poor bastardYou again. A Prodigy is someone born with one of the four gifts. Things like super learning or amazing physical strength. Don't worry about it... you aren't one. * Will my memories come back? No, they stole them out of your head, same as mine. They'll never come back. We're going to be like this forever: Stupid and ignorant in a hut. * '''It's a nice hut.''' Oh, this old thingStill alive? Well, the bed is mine. You can sleep on the porch. The skeletons don't come up here, so you'll be safe* '''You mentioned some crones. Who are they?''' They're just some crones that come by every month or two They leave a few bodies in the sand. Sometimes they leave us food or supplies, but not very often. * '''What's a crone?'''They're a race of people, like elves or humans, but ugliergood. They stink pretty badly and like to cackle. That's all I know. * '''Why do they bring people here?''' No idea. I mean, if they wanted to kill people, they'd just throw them into the sea. but they carefully row ashore and then dump people on the beach. * '''Is be pissed that how you got here?''' Yeahre in my house, but I guess so'm too depressed. It was a while ago. * '''When will they return again?''' A month, maybe. * '''DamnHey there, that's too longfriend! There has to be a way off this island!''' Sure, just swim to SerbuleThanks again for the potion. It's only a few milesnot quite worn off yet.Wait, you look optimistic. That was a joke! You canI't swim m starting to Serbule. If the extreme currents didn't kill youfeel a little sad again, the devil sharks wouldthough. No, you're stuck here* '''I really want to escape.''' Suit yourself, tiger. * ::'''Is there Do you need anything I can do for youelse?''' I don::'t know. I mean, I don't even want to escape, you know? It doesnYou't matter anymore. I think I'm seriously depressed. But ve done plenty already! I can't figure out a believe I was trying to fixmy depression with Psychology. I wish I could feel some hope againThat book over there is rubbish* '''Heavy. Well, I'll see what I can do.}}(''Asking this question gives the quest '''Cheer Up Riger''')'''[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Elven]][[Category:Talks to Animals]][[Category:Anagoge NPCs]][[Category:Skill TrainerNoRiShin]]