==Quests==* '''Anomalous Fire Sheep''' : Kill 5 Fire Sheep In Kur Mountains. They are easily seen from a distance as they are literally on fire. {{Hint|Hit them before they blow up to get quest update. They have to be close to the village as well. Reward: 50 Favor, Battle Hardened Staff}}<dpl>* '''Ice Cores for category = Quests/Landri the Cold''' {{repeatable}} : Obtain 10 Ice Cores. {{Hint|These drop often from Ice Slicks in Kur Tower. Reward: 3x Coldbite Potion.}}* '''Saltpeter for Landri the Cold''' [Comfortable] : Obtain 3 Saltpeter. {{Hint|Reward: 100 favormode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = #Prerequisites, 3x Coldgnaw Potion.}}#Requirements* [[Into the Kur Tower]] : Kill Lomas, Take his Skull</dpl>