Reverted to proper page (quest automation overwrote it) and updated to template.
| ineffective = Nature
[[Old Fangsworth]] is a named [[Tiger]], and the object of a quest for [[Joeh]]. He has a 3-minute respawn timer.
| rage = 441
==Combat Abilities==* Slashing Damage* :{{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}* [[Image:{{Combat Ability Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Slashing Damage}}
|{{Item|Animal Skull}}
==Reported Loot==*Raw Meat and Fish==== General Loot ====*; Crafting PatternsRecipes
|{{Item|Rubywall CrystalTiger Tail}}|{{Item|Cat Eyeball}}|{{Item|Tiger-Urine-Encrusted Shirt}}
|{{Item|Tiger-Urine-Encrusted ShirtGrapefish}}|{{Item|Clownfish}}|{{Item|Ancient Bronze Coin}}: Breastplate, white to purple quality, level 15-20
==Animal Handling Stats =={{MOB AH| name = Old Fangsworth| level to tame = 20| max level = 70| max bond level = 70| max happiness = 100| max enthusiasm = 10| attack = {{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}| sic em = {{Combat Ability|Debuff Slashing Vulnerability}}| clever trick = {{Combat Ability|Slashing and Root}}| bonus =| weaknesses = Fire, Poison, Trauma| resists = Nature}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level = Tamed (20)| health = 184| armor = 54}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level = 60| health = 500| armor = 197}}[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Serbule Creatures]]