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25 bytes removed, 02:53, 3 November 2019
Gardening Notes: Removed some redundant information and added some more uses of seeds as favor
*Seeds can be bought from NPCs such as [[Therese]], and often drops from creatures (for example Panthers in Eltibule).
*To plant a seed simply right-click the seeds in your inventory. You must be in a gardening area.
*Note that seeds are also prized as a gift for [[Hulon]].*Most seeds can be collected randomly by looting corpses, [[Ivyn]], Therese, or [[Zhao]].
*You can plant 2 seeds of every [[Vegetable]], 3 of any combination of [[Flowers]], and 5 [[Cotton]] in total (at the same time).
Bottles<br />
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Gardening Experience Table ==
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Gardening|