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Gardening (skill).jpg
The vegetable highway in Serbule.
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

Growing things in a garden: herbs, food, and flowers.

Gardening Overview

Gardening is a trade skill about growing plants: fruits, flowers, and vegetables. The plants can be used in other trade skills and sometimes as quest objectives (ie. collect flowers).

In-Game Description

Growing things in a garden: herbs, food, and flowers.


Connected Skills

Secondary Skills:
Related Skills:
Synergy Levels:

Bonus Synergy Levels for Gardening

Level 45
Level 20
Level 34
Flower Arrangement
Level 35, Level 57
Nature Appreciation
Level 10, Level 55
Plant Anatomy
Level 20

Gardening Locations

Locations that allow gardening can usually be distinguished by the row of vegetables and cabbage on the ground.

Serbule Hills
  • Julius Patton's farm down the road from the Tapestry Inn
  • Outside a spider-filled barn east of the Tapestry Inn
  • Outside a barn with The Big Widow inside, on the southwest edge of the lakes
  • An abandoned farm in the southeast of the region
Sun Vale
  • Animal Town, must be in an Animal Form for at least 3 hours in game to go here though they also tolerate druids.
  • In the central pavilion in Rahu City.
  • At the animal camp. Requires resistance to glowy yellow crystals.
  • Next to the status board.
Fae Realm


Note: Green and Red Peppers require 2 Water, 2 Fertilizer, and yield 2 Peppers each.

Seed Seed Value Gardening Level Gardening XP (Base) Grow Time Location Fertilizer Result Result Value
5 0 40 50s Purchased from Therese, Jesina, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. No 5
6 5 75 50s Purchased from Therese, Jesina, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. No 10
8 10 150 55s Purchased from Therese, Jesina, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes 20
10 20 300 1m 5s Purchased from Therese, Jesina, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes 30
13 30 450 2m 50s Purchased from Therese, Jesina, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes 40
15 40 600 2m 55s Purchased from Therese, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes 50
18 50 750 2m 55s Purchased from Therese, Julius Patton, Kelim, Norbert, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes 60
25 55 825 4m 5s Purchased from Kelim, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes x2 x2 70 x2
30 60 900 4m 34s Purchased from Kelim, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes x2 x2 80 x2
35 65 975 4m 45s Purchased from Kelim, Tavilak, Floxie, Dachak the Digger. Yes x2 x2 90 x2
40 70 1050 4m 55s Purchased from Floxie. Yes x2 x2 100 x2
45 75 1125 5m 4s Fae Realm (Night Time). Yes x2 x3 100 x3
50 78 1170 5m 11s Fae Realm. Yes x2 x2 200 x2
58 80 1200 5m 10s Purchased from Floxie. Yes x2 x2 150 x2
58 0 1200 5m 10s Povus. Yes x2 x2 150 x2
70 90  ??? ? m??s Found on monsters Yes x2 x2 200 x2
Error: Item not found
75 95  ??? ? m??s Vidaria landscape Yes x2  ? x2  ? x2


Seeds Seed Value Gardening Level Gardening XP (Base) Grow Time Location Fertilizer Result Result Value
5 3 45 1m 10s Found in Serbule and Eltibule, Myconian Cave drop. Yes 20
8 10 150 1m 30s Found in Serbule and Eltibule. Yes 30
9 15 225 1m 50s Found in Eltibule. Yes 40
10 20 300 2m 0s Found in Eltibule. Yes 50
12 25 325 2m 10s Found in Eltibule and Sun Vale (northern part of main island). Yes 60
13 30 450 2m 20s Found in Sun Vale (northern part of main island). Yes 70
14 35 525 2m 30s Found in Sun Vale (central part of main island). Yes 80
15 40 600 2m 40s Found in Sun Vale (southern part of main island). Yes 90
16 45 675 2m 50s Random drop from level 40+ enemies in Kur & Gazluk Yes 100
18 50 750 3m 0s Random drop from level 40+ enemies in Kur & Gazluk. Yes 110
25 55 825 3m 10s Found in Kur Mountains. Yes 125
30 60 900 3m 19s Found in Ilmari at night. Yes 160
35 65 975 3m 27s Fae Realm, Povus Yes 185
40 70 1050 3m 38s Fae Realm Yes 220
45 75 1125 3m 48s Fae Realm (south), Vidaria Yes 255
Error: Item not found
50 80  ??  ? Gazluk Yes ? ?
Error: Item not found
55 85  ??  ? Povus Yes ? ?
Error: Item not found
60 90  ??  ? Povus Yes ? ?


Seed Seed Value Gardening Level Gardening XP (Base) Grow Time Location Fertilizer Result Result Value
7 6  ? 59s Participation in horse thief events. No 3
3 35 250 2m 30s Found in Eltibule. Yes x3-6 9-18
12 25 375 2m 8s Found on monsters, purchased from Hiral Yes 40
14 35 525 2m 30s Found on monsters, Sift Through Grass for Barley Yes x0-2 40-68
20 50 750 2m 50s Halloween Event Yes 20
17 51  ??? 4m 42s Nightmare Cave Dragon. Yes x2 x2 45
7 15 225 1m 15s Halloween Event Yes 25
64 85 1275  ?m ??s Found on monsters Yes x2 x2  ??

Gardening Complete Ability List

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats [Expand] Source
icon_3750.png 1 Pumpkin Bomb Use an evil pumpkin as a bomb. Consumes one Evil Pumpkin
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 12
Range: 4
Cooldown: 30
*See Below
icon_3749.png 15 Pumpkin Turret Use an evil pumpkin as a turret. Consumes one Evil Pumpkin
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 19
Range: 4
Cooldown: 60
Item: Gardening: Pumpkin Turret
icon_3748.png 30 Spade Assault Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 100 Slashing Power Cost: 25
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Tavilak
icon_3748.png 40 Spade Assault 2 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 5% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 151 Slashing Power Cost: 30
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Tavilak
icon_3750.png 45 Pumpkin Bomb 2 Use an evil pumpkin as a bomb. Consumes one Evil Pumpkin
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 32
Range: 4
Cooldown: 30
Item: Gardening: Pumpkin Bomb 2
icon_3748.png 50 Spade Assault 3 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 6% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 233 Slashing Power Cost: 34
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Tavilak
icon_3749.png 50 Pumpkin Turret 2 Use an evil pumpkin as a turret. Consumes one Evil Pumpkin
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 34
Range: 4
Cooldown: 60
Item: Gardening: Pumpkin Turret 2
icon_3748.png 60 Spade Assault 4 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 6% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 317 Slashing Power Cost: 38
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Tavilak
icon_3748.png 70 Spade Assault 5 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 7% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 404 Slashing Power Cost: 42
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Tavilak
icon_3748.png 80 Spade Assault 6 Expertly hack at your foe's legs with your shovel. (There is a 7% chance your shovel will be destroyed.) Target's movement speed is reduced 25%. Creatures with Plant anatomy take double damage. You must have hands to use this ability. This is considered a variant of Front Kick for purposes of equipment and combos.
Can Be On Sidebar
Damage: 506 Slashing Power Cost: 47
Range: 6
Cooldown: 13
Training: Floxie
  • Gardening: Pumpkin Bomb (1) - Only available during the Halloween event. After completing the "Kill Skeleton Mages" mini-quest, you'll get a "Kill Pumpkin Mimics" quest. After killing 7 evil pumpkins, you automatically learn Pumpkin Bomb. This quest is different from the stand-alone quest from Brianna to kill 15 pumpkin mimics. The remaining Pumpkin Bomb 2 and Pumpkin Turrets 1/2 skills are available via books dropped during the Halloween event.

Gardening Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Gardening skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description [Expand] Source
5 Basic Fertilizer (from Dirt) 100 30 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x3
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5092.png Bottle of Fertilizer x3 Prepare basic fertilizer, suitable for fertilizing simple flowers and some vegetables. Creates three doses. Item: Gardening: Basic Fertilizer
Training: Julius Patton
8 Basic Fertilizer (from Bone) 100 30 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x3
icon_5292.png Bone Meal x9
icon_5092.png Bottle of Fertilizer x3 An alternate way to create basic fertilizer that uses a whole bunch of bone meal as the key ingredient. Creates three doses. Training: Julius Patton
Training: Therese
35 Sift Through Grass For Barley Seeds 150 15 icon_5057.png Grass x1 icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
Sift through a pile of grass, looking for plantable barley seeds. Yields between 0 and 3 seeds. Training: Suspicious Cow
40 Basic Fertilizer (from Rotten Meat) 400 100 icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x3
icon_5067.png Rotten Meat x2
icon_5092.png Bottle of Fertilizer x3 An alternate way to create basic fertilizer that uses rotten meat as the key ingredient. Creates three doses. Training: Kelim

Gardening Mechanics

Gardening Techniques

Gardening Notes


  • Seeds can be bought from NPCs such as Therese, and often drops from creatures (for example Panthers in Eltibule).
  • To plant a seed simply right-click the seeds in your inventory. You must be in a gardening area.
  • Note that seeds are also prized as a gift for Hulon, Ivyn, Therese, or Zhao.
  • You can plant 2 seeds of every Vegetable (but Green and Red Peppers share a slot. Also cantaloupes and pumpkins share a "gourd" slot, and cabbages and escarole share a "lettuce" slot.), 3 of any combination of Flowers, 5 Cotton, plus 2 "grass" (Sugarcane or Barley) in total (at the same time).


  • Empty Bottles are returned to your inventory after utilizing a Fertilizer.
  • Empty Bottles are returned to your inventory after utilizing a Bottle of Water.
  • It is not necessary to buy a Bottle of Water from Therese after the initial investment. Full bottles cost 100 gold, but refilling bottles at the well in the middle of Serbule town is free.


  • Having the Performance Appreciation buff active while gardening will increase the experience gained for each plant harvested.
  • Playing an instrument or standing in the proximity of someone playing one while gardening will also randomly yield more harvest. You will be prompted when this effect takes place. Some details:
    • Every five seconds there's a die-roll to see if the plant is affected by music. The number of performers playing near it at that moment determines the chance. Once it's been affected, it can't get more affected; it's a one-shot deal. After the first dice roll if it did not "win" the roll, we move on to the next roll 5 seconds later and so on and so on until the roll is "won" or the plant is harvested/despawns or the music/effect has stopped. Also note that the number of players/instruments can change and is accounted for per roll.
    • The performers' skill is also factored in, but just the highest per skill. So having wind, drum, and string performers is much better than having three drum performers.
    • More (and more varied) performers do increase the chance of increased gardening yield, up to approximately 12 performers.

NPCs & Recipes

  • The recipe for Bottle of Fertilizer can be bought from Therese. That recipe takes one Strange Dirt.
  • After gaining favor with her to Friend, she will also sell a followup recipe how to make Fertilizer from Bone Meal. At Close Friends Therese will teach you a recipe how to make Bone Meal from Femurs.
  • After gaining favor with him to Best Friend, Kelim will also sell a recipe how to make Recipe: Basic Fertilizer (from Rotten Meat).

Gardening Almanac

Each day, a different zone across Alharth receives a 2x bonus to a random item grown through gardening. For example, the bonus on one day might be Cotton in Eltibule, and Peas in Ilmari the next day.

Gardening Almanacs in Serbule, Rahu, and the Red Wing Casino report upcoming bonuses.

Gardening Level Up Rewards

Level [Expand] Reward
20 +1 to Foraging
25 +1 to Rabbit
30 +1 to Cooking
40 +1 to Nature Appreciation
45 +1 to Pig
48 (!) +1 to Fairy Magic
50 +1 to Foraging
51 +1 to Cow
53 +1 to Rabbit
55 +1 to Nature Appreciation
60 +1 to Mycology
70 +1 to Cooking

Gardening Experience Table


Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Gardening