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A small bundle of grass. Useful for taming and feeding most types of ungulates.
Value: 1

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



Monster [Expand] Location
Addled Brain Bug Hogan's Basement
Angry Giant Bat Serbule
Angry Giant Bat War Cache
Angry Wild Turkey Povus
Battle Bear Fungal Fortress
Bear Groupie Eltibule
Bloodmaw Serbule Hills
Brain Bug Serbule
Brain Bug Brain Bug Cave
Brain Bug Carpal Tunnels
Brain Bug Goblin Dungeon
Brainy Bug Carpal Tunnels
Brainy Bug Goblin Dungeon
Brainy Bug Boarded up Basement
Brainy Bug Hogan's Basement
Buck Deer Serbule
Buck Deer Serbule Hills
Buck Snowdeer Kur Mountains
Camp Overseer Serbule Hills
Casino Ass Red Wing Casino
Chicken Serbule
Chicken Vidaria
Competent Goblin Serbule Hills
Conscripted Troll Caretaker Animal Nexus
Desert Rhino Rahu
Doe Deer Serbule
Doe Deer Serbule Hills
Doe Snowdeer Kur Mountains
Donkey Vidaria
Drug-Test Animal (Deer) War Cache
Everhorn (mob) Fungal Fortress
Fae Rhino Fae Realm
Feral Bull Eltibule
Feral Cow Eltibule
Ferocious Boar Eltibule
Ferocious Boar Sun Vale
Fire Sheep Serbule Hills
Fire Sheep Serbule Crypt
Fire Sheep Goblin Dungeon
Food Tray Hogan's Basement
Giant Plains Rat Serbule Hills
Giant Plains Rat Eltibule
Giant Plains Rat Borghild
Gobblejack the Rebuker
Gobblejack the Rebuker
Gobblejack the Rebuker
Goblin Lumberjack Serbule Hills
Goblin Patrol Serbule Hills
Goblin Spearman Serbule Hills
Guzyerp Fungal Fortress
Hearty Cave Rat Goblin Dungeon
Hearty Cave Rat Kur Tower
Ice Bear Kur Mountains
Ice Bear Yeti Cave
Invulnisnail Snowblood Shadow Cave
Island Deer Sun Vale
Island Deer Sun Vale
Logging Camp Guard Serbule Hills
Lost Polar Bear Animal Nexus
Mantis Teacher Fungal Fortress
Maronesa Crystal Cavern
Maronesa Dark Chapel
Mudtusks Serbule Hills
Mudtusks' Harem Serbule Hills
Old Snouty Serbule
Pig (mob) Serbule
Pig (mob) Serbule Hills
Pig (mob) Eltibule
Poison Slug Crystal Cavern
Poison Slug Myconian Cave
Poison Slug Eltibule
Poison Slug Goblin Dungeon
Poison Slug Sun Vale
Poison Slug Rahu Sewer
Poison Slug Snowblood Shadow Cave
Poorly-Trained Bear Carpal Tunnels
Psychic Mantis Serbule
Psychic Mantis Eltibule
Psychic Mantis Carpal Tunnels
Rabid Deer Serbule
Rabid Deer Serbule Hills
Rabid Island Deer Sun Vale
Ratkin Slave Molybdenum Mine
Refraction Spider Gazluk Keep
Rhino Serbule Crypt
Rhino Sun Vale
Sewer Rat Serbule Sewers
Sickly Giant Bat Serbule
Snow Ox Gazluk
Snow Ox Gazluk
Stolen War Golem Gazluk Keep
Strange Deer Serbule
Summoned Guardian Sun Vale
Supporting Wolf Serbule
Swamp Ass Povus
The Fog Goblin Dungeon
The Fog
Trained Hunting Bat Serbule
Triffid Sun Vale
Triffid No-Name Cave
Triffid War Cache
Tundra Rabbit Kur Mountains
Tyxr the Guardian Elemental Serbule
Vidarian Hog Vidaria
Wild Chicken Serbule Hills
Wild Pig Serbule
Wild Pig Serbule Hills
Wild Pig Eltibule
Wild Turkey Serbule
Wild Turkey Eltibule
Wild Turkey Fae Realm
Windbiter Serbule Hills
Wolf Serbule
Wolf Eltibule
Worg Eltibule
Worg Serbule Hills
Xedrite-Sickened Cave Hippo War Cache
Yeti Deep Shaman Yeti Cave
Yeti Shaman Yeti Cave


Haystacks in Serbule and Eltibule

Quest Rewards

Quest Number Acquired Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Snail Invasion 6 1 Days Suspicious Cow Despised Wandering Northeast of Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Warden-only

Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Alchemy [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
12 Bounceweed icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5054.png Basic Fish Scales x1
icon_5544.png Bounceweed x1
50 Deadly Poisoned Knife icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5082.png Giant Spider Leg x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5081.png Nightmare Flesh x1
icon_5893.png Deadly Poisoned Knife x5
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
Brewing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
1 Potato Vodka (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Potato Vodka x1
Fruit: Red Apple, Grapes, or Orange x1
Mushroom Flakes: Parasol, Mycena, Boletus, or Field x1
Boar Tusk, Cat Eyeball, Snail Sinews, Rat Tail, or Basic Fish Scales x1
Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns or Grass x1
icon_5722.png Potato Vodka x1
10 Applejack (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Applejack x1
Fruit: Red Apple, Grapes, or Orange x1
Beet, Squash, Broccoli, or Carrot x1
Boar Tusk, Cat Eyeball, Snail Sinews, Rat Tail, or Basic Fish Scales x1
Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns or Grass x1
icon_5722.png Applejack x1
20 Beet Vodka (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Beet Vodka x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes: Parasol, Mycena, Boletus, or Field x1
Boar Tusk, Cat Eyeball, Snail Sinews, Rat Tail, or Basic Fish Scales x1
Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns or Grass x1
icon_5722.png Beet Vodka x1
30 Pale Rum (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Pale Rum x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Boar Tusk, Cat Eyeball, Snail Sinews, Rat Tail, or Basic Fish Scales x1
Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns or Grass x1
icon_5722.png Pale Rum x1
40 Whisky (Drinkable Cask) icon_5722.png Aged Whisky x1
Fruit: Guava, Banana, or Lemon x1
Mushroom Flakes/Powders: Field, Blusher, Milk Cap, Blood x1
Wolf Teeth, Panther Tail, Deinonychus Claw, Rabbit's Foot, or Bear Gallbladder x1
Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns or Grass x1
icon_5722.png Whisky x1
Calligraphy [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
7 Calligraphy: Agony icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
8 Calligraphy: Agony+ icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Dye Making [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
1 Drab Grass Green Dye icon_5057.png Grass x5
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5378.png Dye Pot x1
icon_6051.png Drab Grass Green Dye x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
Foraging [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Emergency Warmth Fire (Foraging) icon_5057.png Grass x3
icon_5073.png Spiderweb x1
icon_5278.png Flinty Rock x1
icon_5687.png Emergency Warmth Fire x1
Gardening [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
35 Sift Through Grass For Barley Seeds icon_5057.png Grass x1 icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
icon_5459.png Barley Seeds x1 (!)
Mushroom Farming [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
0 Mushroom Substrate: Dirt icon_5019.png Strange Dirt x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5019.png Mushroom Substrate (Dirt) x1
Toolcrafting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
27 Decent Cow Champron icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x2
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
30 Decent Cow Barding icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x2
icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x2
icon_5561.png Dishing Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
37 Nice Cow Champron icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
37 Nice Cow Champron (Max-Enchanted) icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
40 Nice Cow Barding icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
40 Nice Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted) icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
47 Quality Cow Champron icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x3
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
47 Quality Cow Champron (Max-Enchanted) icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x3
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
50 Quality Cow Barding icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x3
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
50 Quality Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted) icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x3
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
57 Great Cow Champron icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5561.png Dishing Hammer x2 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
57 Great Cow Champron (Max-Enchanted) icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5561.png Dishing Hammer x2 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
60 Great Cow Barding icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x2
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
60 Great Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted) icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x2
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
67 Amazing Cow Champron icon_5577.png Astounding Metal Slab x2
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5561.png Dishing Hammer x2 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
67 Amazing Cow Champron (Max-Enchanted) icon_5577.png Astounding Metal Slab x2
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5561.png Dishing Hammer x2 (!)
icon_5571.png Rivets x1
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
70 Amazing Cow Barding icon_5577.png Astounding Metal Slab x2
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
70 Amazing Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted) icon_5577.png Astounding Metal Slab x2
icon_5576.png Amazing Metal Slab x2
icon_5559.png Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5558.png Delicate Tack Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5560.png Grand Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5057.png Grass x1
icon_5211.png Maximized Obsidian x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Milton The Sacred Grotto in Kur Likes (Grass)
Ragabir Red Wing Casino Likes (Alchemy Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance [Expand] Stick Chance
icon_2150.png Chew Cud Grass Cow 7 Always Never
icon_2150.png Chew Cud 2 Grass Cow 28 Always Never
icon_2150.png Chew Cud 3 Grass Cow 39 Always Never
icon_2150.png Chew Cud 4 Grass Cow 55 Always Never
icon_2150.png Chew Cud 5 Grass Cow 67 Always Never
icon_2150.png Chew Cud 6 Grass Cow 79 Always Never

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Fresh Grass for Gisli 10 (Collect) One time only Gisli Neutral Serbule Keep in Serbule
Fresh Grass 10 (Collect) One time only Jumper Neutral Animal Town in Sun Vale
Un-cow-ification 30 (Collect any Grass) One time only Unknown Unknown Serbule
Guild: Resupply Animal Town (10-person) 60 (GuildGiveItem) 5 Minutes Spot Unknown Animal Town in Sun Vale
Guild: Resupply Animal Town (25-person) 150 (GuildGiveItem) 5 Minutes Spot Unknown Animal Town in Sun Vale
Guild: Resupply Animal Town (50-person) 300 (GuildGiveItem) 5 Minutes Spot Unknown Animal Town in Sun Vale

Other Uses
