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Game updates/2015-06-03

1,093 bytes added, 13:35, 4 June 2015
Added the dev note. I'll be back to my usual speed of updating the wiki shortly, took a nice vacation.
==June 3 Developer Note==
Still testing the Unity 5 conversion! Everything is working fine now, but we're still fixing a bunch of ugly colors, bad shadows, etc. It seems like I could work on this stuff forever, so I'm just gonna put it up this weekend, at whatever condition it's in at that point.

The update doesn't have any substantial new content in it, for which I'm very sad -- revising every single thing in the game has taken a ton of time! But this upgrade gives us a better foundation to build on. We've fixed most of the ugly dye problems, and we'll soon be able to do day/night cycles. Later this year we'll also be able to do dynamic weather -- which will finally let me do the Weather Witch!

After this update, we've got some new land areas in development, including the first level 60 area. Super excited to show it to you! But first things first... gotta finish this conversion.

Since it's an entirely different rendering engine, things will be a bit rocky for a little while, but we'll get through it. See you soon, and thanks for your patience!

[[Category:Game updates]]