BetaNotus moved page Game updates/2015-6-21 to Game updates/2015-06-21
- Moved the cow curse to an additional room at the end of the dungeon under the crystal... hopefully it's all intact!
- Nerfed the [[Omegaspider ]] a bit
- Improved quest text on some favors
- Players now start with 8 more inventory slots
- [[Endurance ]] now gives more inventory slots as you level it up. By level 50 it gives +18 slots (instead of +6)
- Sometimes low-level mushrooms would give you dirt when you picked them up instead of mushrooms. This confused people, so now mushrooms always give you mushrooms, and there are mounds of dirt that give you dirt
- [[Velkort]]'s quests and favors now all give out Fire Dust as a reward. This should help newbie fire mages get their basic spells. You'll still have to hunt down advanced components on your own, though.
- You no longer fail to charm/tame a pet if you get attacked by it
[[Fletching ]] Changes:
- Revised fletching to make it less like a trade skill and more of a solo-adventurer activity
- Fire Arrow recipes no longer require you to know Fire Magic to learn them. You just need favor with Velkort
- Poison Arrow recipes no longer require you to know [[Battle Chemistry ]] to learn them. You just need favor with [[Marna]]
- The recipes for Acid Arrow have moved from [[Elahil ]] (in [[Serbule]]) to [[The Wombat ]] (in [[Sun Vale]])
- Chickens [[Chicken]]s now have much higher chances of dropping feathers. (And they can still be skinned to get additional feathers)
- Poisonous spiders (which, btw, are the only kinds that can drop feathers!) now have higher chances of dropping feathers
- [[Elahil ]] sells prepared fletching (at an exorbitant markup) in cases where you can't find feathers
- Lowered ingredient requirements. Snare arrows require fewer spider webs, dense arrows require fewer antlers, etc.
- Did some optimization to Serbule town buildings. Hopefully this improves framerate a bit while in town, and may prevent crashing on some PCs
- Note: the changes to [[Serbule ]] caused every building, stone, wall, etc. to be moved slightly -- just a few feet in one direction or another. If you see weird stuff (like walls cutting into houses, for example) please report it!
- Added river and ocean sounds to [[Sun Vale]]
- Fixed the GUI interaction sound effects (conversion bug from Unity 5)