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1,143 bytes added, 18:34, 14 July 2015
Added the start of this npc.
[[File:Arlan.png|thumb|right|300px|Scowling and gesticulating.]]
We're closed! Rakkies ruined everything. Go away.
'''Arlan''' is a male [[Elven|Elf]] living in a small outpost in the [[Ilmari]] Desert.
; [[Ilmari]]
: Towards the central Oasis, between the portal to [[Kur Mountains]] and the town of [[Amulna]]. Around twenty years ago, Arlan and his wife Bonnie tried to open a boutique near a small oasis. He claims that the resident [[Rakshasa]] went insane and killed Bonnie. For these past twenty years, Arlan has been wandering the world, only returning to the boutique recently.

==Small Talk==
* Loves Skulls of All Types
* Loves Brains of All Types
* Loves Dragon Scales
Nightshades teaches recipes for applying augment oils to the following items: <br />
'''Sword, Katar (Cestus?), Staff, Fire Staff, Beaker, Shield, Bow, Claw, Flask, Orb, Shoes, Legs, Chest, Hands, Head, Necklace, Ring.'''

Note that the price decreases ''dramatically'' with increased Favor levels.
*465 at Soul Mates

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