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Freeze Elemental

166 bytes added, 21:22, 25 September 2020
Updated to template.
| image =
| type = Elemental
| health = 2374
| armor = 1333
| health = 1719| rage = 17962079
| effective = Cold, Acid, Sonic
| ineffective = Fire
| immune = Electricity
'''{{PAGENAME}}'''s [[Freeze Elemental]] are a stronger type of [[Ice Elemental]] and have ''Extreme Regeneration''. They roam [[Gazluk]].== Locations =={{MOB Location| area = Gazluk| location = Southern valley.| health = 2374| armor = 1333| rage = 2079}}==Combat Abilities=='''Extreme Regeneration'''
 ==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': | None* |-|'''Meat''': | None* |-|'''Skull''': | None|}==Reported Loot==* ==== General Loot ===={|| {{Item|Ice Core}}* | {{Item|Lace}}* | {{Item|Brass Oddity}}[[Category:Gazluk Creatures]][[Category:Elemental]]|}