,Updated to template.
[[Nishika]] is a cook based in the town of [[Rahu]]. She specializes in cat meat recipes. She also trains [[Butchering]] and [[Skinning]] levels 51-60.
; [[Rahu]]
: Inside the inn.
== Shopkeeper =={{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor =====Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
==Sells= Hang Outs ==={{Spoiler|Help Nishika prepare the Generals meal (4h).||: Nishika said, "Do you think he'll really come eat here? General Pask, I mean. I hope not. The doors aren't even tall enough for him. I kinda wish those old first-gen Rakshasa would finally kick off and die! ItemThey're so powerful, but so.. set in their ways, you know? Anyways if he does come tonight, he's gonna love this Spicy Lemon Cat dish! CostThanks for your help preparing the meat. Oh, hey, if you want to learn to make this recipe yourself, I'd be willing to train you."! Favor|-{{vendor item row*44 favor | item = Salt*2x Red Pepper | cost = 5 for 37 | favor = ?*unlocks training the Spicy Lemon Cat recipe
{{vendor item row Spoiler|Help Nishika prepare tomorrow's stew (2h).| item = Flour | cost = 5 : Nishika said, "Aw, crap, I broke the tenderizer. Let's stop; I think that's enough meat for the stew, don't you? Thank you so much for 37your hard work!" | *25 favor = ?*Recipe for Cat Stew Cup
{{vendor item row Spoiler| item = Sugar Do the dishes at Nishika's restaurant (4h).| cost = 5 for 37 | *40 favor = ?*2x House Cat
{{vendor item rowSpoiler|Help Nishika process junk meat (6h).| | item = Butcher Knife:Nishika said, "I use cheap meat in as many ways as possible, but inedible meat always ends up going to waste. I have a special way of disposing of it, though. Would you like to see? | cost = 250 | favor = :There, now we remove this scum on top. It's fat, suitable for candles. Better than rotting, at least, no?"* 75 Favor with Nishika* Recipe for Collect Filthy Animal Fat
{{vendor item row Spoiler| item = Meat Tenderizer Help Nishika process tons of junk meat (8h).| cost = 250 | favor = *?
category = Quests/Nishika
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
: ''Uses a new system where recipes only show up to train after completing the relevant quest or hang out option.''
== Services ==
==== [[Storage]] ====
|soulmates =60
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====