Updated template to include new Template:Header styles.
== Reported Loot == <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need a few items listed per mob. 10 at the most, but feel free to add more if you want (Feral Cow). Try to balance the number of items in each row and column depending on the number of items listed. If a mob drops a particular item, or quest item, try to list that first! -->
==== General Quest Loot ====;Tailoring Recipe Scrolls{||{{Item|Orange}}|{{Item|Red Apple}}|{{Item|Wool}}|<!-- If the monster drops an item for a quest, add this optional section. -|{{Item|Grass}}|{{Item|Raw Chicken}}|{{Item|Animal Skull}}|->|{{Item|Pork ShoulderChitterface's Mandibles}}|}
==== Rahu Loot ==== <!-- If there happens to be an item or two that only drops from the mob in a particular area, add it like this. -->
; Level 60 Equipment
|{{Item|Deinonychus Claw}}
==== Quest General Loot ==== ;Tailoring Recipe Scrolls{|{{Header|Common|4}}|- <!-- If the monster Optional headers for rarity. Only use when there are 8+ reported drops an item for in a quest, add this optional section. Parameters are text and colspan -->|{{Item|Fear Oil}}|{{Item|Hope Oil}}|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}|{{Item|Chitterface's MandiblesUncrossing Oil}}|}
== Curse ==