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882 bytes added, 23:00, 25 September 2015
Citan's Forum Posts
==== Non-lethal Kills? ====
: I like this line of thought, and I'm mulling how to work nonlethal "kills" into the game. Thanks!
:: Citan
==== Instances? ====
:"Zergs are ruining the game we need instances naow" : well, there will never be instances in Project: Gorgon for the simple reason that the game server doesn't support instances.
==== Killing broken mobs? ====
: "Yes, we do consider it an exploit, though it's understandable that you can't always tell what's happening, so we don't get upset if you just kill a few before realizing they're broken. It's when you kill broken bosses that it gets problematic.
: The broken AI subservers will eventually be auto-detected by the main server, and fixed automatically (and you won't get any loot/XP from broken monsters in the mean time)... but we haven't gotten that implemented yet."
:: Citan
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=== Silvonis's Forum Posts ===
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