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955 bytes added, 23:23, 10 November 2023
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|image = [[File:Cow_(form).jpg|300px]]
|caption = Cows are fast and furious!
|skilltype = Beast Form <!-- Combat Skill, Beast Form, Anatomy Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->|maxlevel = 80 <!-- List without bonus levels -->90 |req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|skilltrainers = [[Suspicious Cow]], [[Raul]], [[Noita the Green]] <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->
Leave a quote about the skill here. This can be the in-game description, but that info must be placed below as well. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as well.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
'''Cow''' is a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] and a [[Curse]] bestowed by [[Maronesa]] in the [[Crystal Cavern]] or in the [[Dark Chapel]].
Being a cow means you look harmless to other animals, so deer and similar animals don’t run away from you.
If you get tired of being a cow, you kill [[Maronesa]] to remove the curse. You can always obtain also use a {{Item|Minor Panacea}}, though this is generally considered a very wasteful use of the item. For more information on how to navigate being turned into an animal visit the [[Un-Cow JuiceBeast Forms]] to change back to your natural formpage for advice.
=== In-Game Description ===
* [[Raul]] will unlock levels 51-70 and train 51+ abilities
* [[Noita the Green]] unlocks 71-80.
* Levels 81-90 may be unlocked by gaining favor with a mysterious entity deep beneath [[Povus]].
== Connected Skills ==
=====Related Skills:=====
* [[Cheesemaking]] - One of the most reliable ways to get the milk necessary for making cheese is to use the Cow ability '''Collect Milk'''.
===== Synergy Levels =====
Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Cow]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
:; [[Cheesemaking]]
:: Level 25
:; [[Cheesemaking]]
:: Level 45
:; [[Foraging]]
:: Level 26
:; [[Gardening]]
:: Level 51
:; [[Gourmand]]
:: Level 25
:; [[Survival Instincts]]
:: Level 13
:; [[Unarmed]]
:: Level 27
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Basic Abilities==
=== Vegetarian Cows ===
Cows that maintain a vegetarian diet can be milked by other players more often, as follows: newbie or non-vegetarian cow: once per hour (unchanged); low-level vegetarian cow: once every 45 minutes; vegetarian cow over level 24: once every 30 minutes; vegetarian cow over level 49: once every 15 minutes - Two higher-level versions of the Collect Milk ability are given out at Cow level 38 and 52. They have faster reset times, allowing you to collect milk more quickly. These versions only work if you have the [[Special Behavior Badges|Vegetarian badge]].
=== Riding ===
As a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]], Cows are not able to use the traditional Horse mounts offered through [[Riding]]. Instead, [[Raul]] in [[Animal Town]] teaches mount-form to Cow players who are at least level 25, as well as a speed-up ability that consumes grass.
Cow armor can be crafted through [[Blacksmithing]] (shoes) and [[Toolcrafting]] (champron and barding). The Champron (Head slot) gives extra resistance to Piercing and Slashing damage, while the Barding (Chest) gives resistance to just Piercing. Cow Shoes give you extra speed while sprinting.
Crafters producing equipment for use by [[Cow]]s should obtain the [[Sigil Scripting]] recipe '''Cow Inscription,''' which allows for the creation of {{Item|Cow Malachite}}.
This attuned gemstone can be used in any recipe which calls for the use of [[:Category:Items/Crystal|Crystals]] to create equipment with [[Cow]] Treasure Effects.
====EquipmentNot Crafted ====Cow armor can be crafted through [[Blacksmithing]] (shoes) and [[Toolcrafting]] (champron and barding). The Champron (Head slot) gives extra resistance to Piercing and Slashing damage, while the Barding (Chest) gives more resistance to just Piercing. Cow Shoes give you extra speed while sprinting.
* {{Item|Belt of The Bovine Battler}} - Increases Cow Skill Base Damage. Purchased from [[Suspicious Cow]].