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632 bytes added, 11:21, 30 June 2021
Added a page to the Register.
[[Blightwing]] was a monster, presumably a powerful winged creature, defeated by a wielder of [[Heartseeker]].
{{Quote|source=[[Leeka and the Blade Trials, Chapter 6]]|
"You're right," said the sword. "You're right that I am an instrument of [[Melkar]]. I am the legendary blade [[Heartseeker]], wielded by the most famous half-bloods in orcish history! When the [[Formian King]] invaded [[Gazluk]], [[Amatuk]] used me to kill him. I am the blade that slew [[Blightwing]]! Your mother used me to kill the Frost Siren. Half-bloods don't trust easily, but your mother trusted me. You need to trust me!"}}
[[Category:Register of Lore]]