Page history
20 July 2018
18 July 2018
6 July 2018
→Altar of Norala
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics
no edit summary
→Lycanthropy Mechanics
→Lycanthropy Mechanics: It was really really wordy and I made it just plain wordy
5 July 2018
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview
→{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview
no edit summary
→The Full Moon
no edit summary
no edit summary
→Altar of Norala
→Altar of Norala
→Altar of Norala
→Altar of Norala
→Altar of Norala
→Altar of Norala
→The Full Moon
→The Full Moon
→The Full Moon
→The Full Moon
Added detailed information about the Full moon event. When I was a newb and my first event occured, The wiki did not provide enough information.