Game updates/2015-03-30

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News, March 30

Still no update! It will be a little while longer as I revise some stuff. (That happens during alpha: lots of experiments, not all of which work out well.) But anyway, I wanted to give the higher level players a heads-up about a new feature so they can prepare for it if they want to. There will be a way to create enchanted oils which add powers to weapons and other equipment. These oils can be used by almost anybody, but CREATING the oils is a difficult task. You will need high levels in several skills (depending on exactly what you're trying to do). Alchemy is probably the most important skill to have at high level, followed by Blacksmithing, then the other item-creation skills. You'll also want to be on the look out for those oils named "Crossing Oil", "Hope Oil", etc. Those are one of the ingredients for the enchantment oils. (Along with the usual assortment of insane ingredients.)

This is an experiment in making a "trade-worthy" crafting good -- one that players buy from each other on a regular basis, that is. It's intentionally a bit of a pain in the ass to make these things, requiring lots of skills and ingredients, so that the players who choose to go to the trouble will be able to sell the resulting items to other players. But I don't want it to be TOO annoying, either, which may mean that everybody just eventually learns the skill on their own and nobody bothers to trade them. We'll see how it goes!