Holistic Wellness: Cheesemaking
Revision as of 17:54, 24 November 2023 by LadyHeliopteryx (talk | contribs) (→Requirements: added that sour cream does not count ):)
Lakrea told you to make your own cheese. She suggested avoiding the fancier cheese recipes that require aging.
To start this quest, talk to Lakrea in Rahu. The quest is available at [Despised] favor.
“You need a hobby. Why not cheese making? It's delicious and might even make you some money. Of course, the fanciest kinds have to be aged in a cave for a long time, but you should start with one of the easy cheeses that don't take so long.
- Make Cheese
- Talk to Lakrea
Butter and sour cream do not count as a cheese.
Rewards for Holistic Wellness: Cheesemaking
“So, have you caught Cheese Fever yet? Me too! I'm glad you like the hobby.
- 50 XP in Holistic Wellness