Hardcore Living

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Hardcore Living
Skill in surviving as a Hardcore player. You earn XP in this skill by killing dangerous creatures while Hardcore. (The creatures' level must be higher than your Hardcore Living skill.) Note: if you stop being Hardcore, you will lose all levels in this skill.
Skill Type:
Other Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:
Vughal, Entity under Povus.

There's a new skill, "Hardcore Living". Hardcore players earn XP in this skill when you kill a monster whose level is at least as high as your Hardcore Living skill. There are already some inherent benefits to leveling this skill, but its primary purpose will come in the future: we plan to use it as a "gating skill" on Hardcore gear. Currently, Hardcore gear mostly uses Endurance as its gating skill, and that seems weird.

Game updates/2024-02-23

Hardcore Living Overview

Hardcore Living is a skill leveled by players using Hardcore Mode.

In-Game Description

Skill in surviving as a Hardcore player. You earn XP in this skill by killing dangerous creatures while Hardcore. (The creatures' level must be higher than your Hardcore Living skill.)

Note: if you stop being Hardcore, you will lose all levels in this skill.

Training Hardcore Living

  • Hardcore Living will be earned automatically when you first defeat a foe capable of granting XP while in Hardcore mode.
  • Vughal unlocks levels 51-60, 61-70, and 71-80.
  • A mysterious entity, Serendipity Cheddar, deep beneath Povus unlocks levels 81-90.

Connected Skills

  • N/A
Secondary Skills:
  • N/A
Related Skills:
Synergy Levels:

There are no bonus Synergy Levels for Hardcore Living.

Hardcore Living/Abilities

Hardcore Living Mechanics

Skill Reset

Turning off Hardcore Mode resets experience earned to zero.

Hardcore Living/Stat Bonuses

Hardcore Living/Level Up Rewards

Hardcore Living Experience Table


Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Hardcore Living


The Hardcore Living skill was added in February 2024.