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File:Gurki (npc).jpg
A scowl dominates her face, overshadowing even her fancy clothes.
Gurki is a female Rakshasa who is appears to be hiding from Shadow Keepers in the northern outpost of Kur Mountains, which she regards as a "worthless hell hole". One of her hobbies is crafting items out of silver.
- Kur Mountains
- Northwestern outpost, building with forge and council storage machine.
Small Talk
- Likes Ethnic Jewelry and Ornaments Hint
- Likes White Crystals
- Likes Cranium Gel
- Arrows for the Occasion : Obtain 250 Advanced Reservoir Arrows.
- Smelly Gurki : Obtain Floral Soap. Hint
- Gurki Wants Silver : Obtain 10 Unrefined Silver Ore.
Note: Price varies based on Favor and Notoriety. Needs confirmation
- Storage - Comfortable
- At Close Friends, 20 slots.