Welcome . . . to Anagoge Island!
What you see before you will hopefully be a detailed breakdown of what you can see, do, and learn on the starting island of Anagoge. It is currently, very much, a work-in-progress and it's formatting will probably change multiple times as I learn more wiki keywords and solidify all the data so please bear with me.
NOTE: Most pages on the Project: Gorgon Wiki (including this one) contain open spoilers. I will try to hide the most spoilery bit behind expandable tags, but if you want the purest experience then you probably shouldn't be using the Wiki anyway.
Anagoge Island (Marked)

Map of Anagoge Travel Log (click for larger size)
Connects to
Area Level
File:Anagoge Travel Log.png
Quest Given
(This is currently a placeholder and active Work-in-Progress page to help Adventurers new and old get the most out of their journeys on this island)