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Oritania's Navel Ring (Quest)

Revision as of 13:25, 11 July 2021 by Ransel (talk | contribs) (Links.)


Larsan in Serbule asked you to deliver a special navel ring to Oritania, an elf in Eltibule Keep.


To start this quest, talk to Larsan in Serbule. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.


An elf up in Eltibule Keep asked me for a special navel ring. It took me quite a while to find one around here, but I did it! Can you take it to her?


Response to player

What? Oh. Yes. I ordered this ring from that shopkeeper in Serbule. But that was weeks ago! I suppose I still want it. Thank you.


Rewards for Oritania's Navel Ring

Thank you for delivering the ring! Here's something for your trouble. It's a hideous thing from my reject pile, but it's got some sort of magic in it.