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Winter Holiday 2021

51 bytes added, 22:22, 14 January 2022
Shrine of Ri-Shin
Found west of the [[Eltibule]] portal in the [[Kur Mountains]], the '''Shrine of Ri-Shin''' is an anchor of the god of plants and trees. Maintained primarily by [[Snowleaf]] and the Druids of [[Alharth]], the shrine offers rewards to those who seek the bounty of [[Ri-Shin]].
The blessing of [[Ri-Shin]] can be received by travelers standing in the shrine that speak words of praise in ''Nearby ''chat, '''Praise Ri-Shin, guardian of the shrine!'''This blessing can be received once every 20 hours.
===== Unlocking the Shrine =====
[[Druid]]s automatically unlock the [[Event:_Shrine_of_Ri-Shin|Shrine of Ri-Shin quest]], allowing them to donate items to the shrine through [[Snowleaf]]. Adventurers pledged to other gods, or none at all, must prove themselves a friend of [[Ri-Shin]]. Decorating Ri-Shin trees raises a hidden favor value with [[Ri-Shin]], demonstrating your dedication to the holiday spirit. Completely decorating the trees in [[Serbule Hills]], [[Serbule]], [[Eltibule]], and [[Sun Vale]] is enough to receive permission to help at the shrine, however mostly completing quests at more than four trees can also work. Donators to the shrine in previous years also automatically receive the [[Event:_Shrine_of_Ri-Shin|Shrine of Ri-Shin quest]].

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