Added this mob.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Aberration
| armor = 165
| health = 266
| rage = 397
| effective = Piercing, Electricity, Acid
| immune = Psychic
'''Brainy Bug'''s are slightly Brainier [[Brain Bug]]s.
; [[Under the Hand]]
: Left path on the lower level.
==Combat Abilities==
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Crushing Power Debuff
* Skin: None
* Meat: Sinewy Bug Meat
* Skull: None
==Reported Loot==
* Brain Lobes
* Brains
* Grass
* Mushrooms
[[Category: Under the Hand Creatures]]
{{MOB infobox
| type = Aberration
| armor = 165
| health = 266
| rage = 397
| effective = Piercing, Electricity, Acid
| immune = Psychic
'''Brainy Bug'''s are slightly Brainier [[Brain Bug]]s.
; [[Under the Hand]]
: Left path on the lower level.
==Combat Abilities==
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Crushing Power Debuff
* Skin: None
* Meat: Sinewy Bug Meat
* Skull: None
==Reported Loot==
* Brain Lobes
* Brains
* Grass
* Mushrooms
[[Category: Under the Hand Creatures]]