Updated to template.
__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Rakshasa Anatomy<!-- You can leave this blank -->|image =[[File:RakshasaAnatomy_skill.png|300px]] |caption = Knowledge of the physiology of Rakshasa (race).jpg|thumbskilltype = Anatomy Skills <!-- Combat Skills, Trade Skills, Beast Forms, Beast Skills, Other Skills -->|rightmaxlevel = 50 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|300pxreq = Anatomy<!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|Rakshasa concept art.]]skilltrainers = None}}{{Quote|Three generations ago, the Rakshasa were source=Source|Needs a race of merciless killing machines without empathy. But something changed them.quote}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}Overview=='''RakshasaAnatomy''' is a humanoid race with feline features. One sub-skill of the three races available at character creation.: Ravanite Rakshasa were the first settlers from [[RavanaAnatomy]]that explores the physiology of Rakshasa. While they were void === In-Game Description ===Knowledge of the physiology of empathy, their children were notRakshasa.
==Known Creatures==
category = Rakshasa&Bosses
notcategory = NPCs
<!-- here we can manually add any creatures to keep track of missing/todo pages -->
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Anatomy Skills]]