Updated to template. (Gave all the Anatomy types proper pages. Will be updating every other skill to the new template after I sleep).
__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Non-Ruminant Ungulate Anatomy<!-- This is a "creature type" page (corresponding to an Anatomy sub-skill) to keep track of creatures for which we may or may not add individual pages later. It may also be a useful resource for players wanting to raise the anatomy sub-skill.You can leave this blank -->{{Quote|image =[[File:NonRuminantUngulateAnatomy_skill.png|300px]] '''Non-Ruminant Ungulate''' creatures includes |caption = Knowledge of the physiology of large herbivores that do NOT chew cud, such as pigs, rhinos, and horses.|skilltype = Anatomy Skills <!-- Combat Skills, Trade Skills, Beast Forms, Beast Skills, Other Skills -->|maxlevel = 50 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|req = Anatomy<!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|skilltrainers = None}}{{Quote|source=Source|Needs a quote
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview=='''Non-Ruminant Ungulate Anatomy''' (is a sub-skill of [[Anatomy]]) knowledge is gained by using that explores the physiology of large herbivores that do NOT chew cud, such as pigs, rhinos, and horses.=== In-Game Description ===Knowledge of the [[Anatomy#Autopsy Kit|Autopsy Kit]] on creatures physiology of this typelarge herbivores that do NOT chew cud, such as pigs, rhinos, and horses.
==Known Creatures==
<!-- here we can manually add any creatures to keep track of missing/todo pages -->