1; Tipsy: You're feeling a little floaty.: Speech is very slightly impaired.; Very Tipsy: You're feeling relaxed and floaty.: Speech is slightly impaired. Things look a little blurry.; Moderately Drunk: You're feeling relaxed and uninhibited.: Speech is impaired and things look fuzzy. Every so often you loose your sense of direction.; Drunk: You're feeling great!: Your speech, vision, and sense of direction are impaired.; Very Drunk: You're feeling good, but you know that drinking more will make you very ill. : Your speech, vision, and sense of direction are impaired, and you're becoming indecisive about what abilities to use in combat.; Severely Intoxicated: You've had too much to drink and you're feeling ill.: Your speech, vision, sense of direction, and decisiveness are noticeably impaired.; Dangerously Intoxicated: Your heart is beating irregularly and you can't tell what's going on.: You are extremely impaired and there is a chance of fatal heart attack.; Fatally Intoxicated: You're sweating, dizzy, and your heart is beating like a drum.: You are fairly likely to die any moment. Prompt medical attention may still save you.; Extremely Fatally Intoxicated: Your health is in free-fall and you're about to die.
→Levels of Drunkenness: Added the levels of being drunk.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Levels of Drunkenness ===
=== Reduction of Drunkenness ===