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Ice Conjuration

7 bytes added, 19:05, 14 June 2017
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== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
[[Ice Conjuration]] is a skill learned by expert [[Ice MagesMagic|Ice MagicMages]] that allows for the creation of frozen treats and weapons.
=== In-Game Description ===
* [[Ice Magic]] - [[Ice Conjuration]] is a Sub-Skill of [[Ice magic]].
=====Related Skills:=====
* [[Knife Fighting]] - Various levels of {{Item|Simple Ice Throwing Knife}} items can be crafted using [[Ice Conjuration]].
* [[Cooking]] - Many of the crafted items from [[Ice Conjuration]] are edible, just like those made with [[Cooking]]!
* [[Cow]] - Forty levels of [[Cow]] are required to learn certain Ice Cream recipes from [[Ichin the Ice Master]].

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