,Added a page to the Register.
{{Deity infobox
|name = Norala
|image = [[File:Norala.png]]
|caption = Norala's shrine in [[Wolf Cave]].
|title = Goddess of Hunts
|location = Alharth
|classification = Class 3
|dead =
[[Norala]] is a Class 3 Nature Spirit known for blessing [[Lycanthropy]] onto her worshipers. Worship of [[Norala]] is forbidden in [[Alharth]], although her infectious gift continues to spread through established packs of her followers.
== Lore ==
[[Norala]] continues to exist in Alharth due to the nature of her blessing. [[Lycanthropy]] is a magical disease, yet some have learned to live with their affliction.
==== Norala The Huntress ====
[[Norala The Huntress]] is a book annotated by [[Councilwoman Irasce]].
Norala The Huntress<br />
By Fathregar the Fanged<br />
(Council Annotated Edition)<br />
Hear me out: you know of her as a goddess of evil, but [[Norala]] is a goddess of nature. Nature is not good or evil.
First, you must admit that [[Norala]] is a contradiction: she is the god of the big eating the little, of might making right, of the strong enslaving, killing, or abusing the weak. But [[Norala]] is not a strong god. Why is this? Is it because she does not want to overshadow the apex predators in the world. If she were the strongest, then she could not in good conscience help those weaker than her. Don't you see? She is weak so that she doesn't have to kill us all!
It's true that [[Norala]] blesses slavery, rape, murder, anything! As long as it is done by the strong against the weak. You call this evil, but it is the way of nature! Look around you! Everywhere you look, the strong take advantage of the weak. That is natural. How can nature be evil?
[[Norala]]'s blessing is known as [[Lycanthropy]]. True to her nature, it destroys the weak and grants power to the strong. Only one in twenty werewolves retain their minds for more than two moons. The ones who do? Those are the apex predators! And hidden throughout the world are [[Norala]]'s scions, standing ready to test the power of those who think they are strong.
It is blasphemy to confuse [[Norala]] with [[Melkar]]. Melkar is the god of hunting for sustenance. [[Norala]] is the goddess of hunting for pleasure. Melkar is weak and needy. [[Norala]] is sleek and powerful.
[[Councilwoman Irasce]]'s notes: Despite her adherents' claims to the contrary, Norala is a relatively weak class 3 nature spirit. Worship of Norala is forbidden, for it inevitably means voluntarily infecting oneself with Lycanthropy, which is usually a fate worse than death: not only does the mind die, but the body becomes a senseless killing machine.
Some "sane" werewolf packs eschew Norala and try to prevent the spread of the disease, even going as far as hunting their own kind. This is admirable, but nevertheless we must maintain a strict rule for the safety of all humans: all lycanthropes should be killed on sight.
==== Altar of Norala ====
The [[Lycanthropy|Altar of Norala]] is a shrine to [[Norala]] found in the [[Kur Mountains]] [[Wolf Cave]], a known werewolf den. Followers of [[Norala]] may receive boons from this altar after completing tasks for their goddess during a full moon.
==== Scion of Norala ====
The [[Scion of Norala]] resides in the [[Wolf Cave]] to judge the prowess of [[Norala]]'s subjects. Only the truly strong can find victory against this wolf.
[[Category:Register of Lore]]
{{Deity infobox
|name = Norala
|image = [[File:Norala.png]]
|caption = Norala's shrine in [[Wolf Cave]].
|title = Goddess of Hunts
|location = Alharth
|classification = Class 3
|dead =
[[Norala]] is a Class 3 Nature Spirit known for blessing [[Lycanthropy]] onto her worshipers. Worship of [[Norala]] is forbidden in [[Alharth]], although her infectious gift continues to spread through established packs of her followers.
== Lore ==
[[Norala]] continues to exist in Alharth due to the nature of her blessing. [[Lycanthropy]] is a magical disease, yet some have learned to live with their affliction.
==== Norala The Huntress ====
[[Norala The Huntress]] is a book annotated by [[Councilwoman Irasce]].
Norala The Huntress<br />
By Fathregar the Fanged<br />
(Council Annotated Edition)<br />
Hear me out: you know of her as a goddess of evil, but [[Norala]] is a goddess of nature. Nature is not good or evil.
First, you must admit that [[Norala]] is a contradiction: she is the god of the big eating the little, of might making right, of the strong enslaving, killing, or abusing the weak. But [[Norala]] is not a strong god. Why is this? Is it because she does not want to overshadow the apex predators in the world. If she were the strongest, then she could not in good conscience help those weaker than her. Don't you see? She is weak so that she doesn't have to kill us all!
It's true that [[Norala]] blesses slavery, rape, murder, anything! As long as it is done by the strong against the weak. You call this evil, but it is the way of nature! Look around you! Everywhere you look, the strong take advantage of the weak. That is natural. How can nature be evil?
[[Norala]]'s blessing is known as [[Lycanthropy]]. True to her nature, it destroys the weak and grants power to the strong. Only one in twenty werewolves retain their minds for more than two moons. The ones who do? Those are the apex predators! And hidden throughout the world are [[Norala]]'s scions, standing ready to test the power of those who think they are strong.
It is blasphemy to confuse [[Norala]] with [[Melkar]]. Melkar is the god of hunting for sustenance. [[Norala]] is the goddess of hunting for pleasure. Melkar is weak and needy. [[Norala]] is sleek and powerful.
[[Councilwoman Irasce]]'s notes: Despite her adherents' claims to the contrary, Norala is a relatively weak class 3 nature spirit. Worship of Norala is forbidden, for it inevitably means voluntarily infecting oneself with Lycanthropy, which is usually a fate worse than death: not only does the mind die, but the body becomes a senseless killing machine.
Some "sane" werewolf packs eschew Norala and try to prevent the spread of the disease, even going as far as hunting their own kind. This is admirable, but nevertheless we must maintain a strict rule for the safety of all humans: all lycanthropes should be killed on sight.
==== Altar of Norala ====
The [[Lycanthropy|Altar of Norala]] is a shrine to [[Norala]] found in the [[Kur Mountains]] [[Wolf Cave]], a known werewolf den. Followers of [[Norala]] may receive boons from this altar after completing tasks for their goddess during a full moon.
==== Scion of Norala ====
The [[Scion of Norala]] resides in the [[Wolf Cave]] to judge the prowess of [[Norala]]'s subjects. Only the truly strong can find victory against this wolf.
[[Category:Register of Lore]]