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Lastly, [[Ilth Hale]] spotted a new goddess, [[Talerra]], the god of Depression and Knowing the Truth. She beckoned for [[Talerra]] to rise into [[Acur]] with her, but [[Talerra]] was too depressed to move. Seeing that [[Vol]] was coming, [[Ilth Hale]] swooped down from the heavens, snatched [[Talerra]] in her arms, and carried her to safety. "[[Talerra]], you will be my sister, for we are much alike." [[Talerra]] mumbled something, but could not be understood.
[[Ilth Hale]] closed the door into [[Acur]], and for a time the gods rested, growing strong. The strongest of these new gods was [[Harukita]], resplendent in his Armor of Hate and wielding the Sword of Bigotry. It was [[Harukita]] who found the Chalice of Undeath that had been hidden in [[Acur]]. Instead of being full of souls, it was still full of [[Zek]]'s power: the power to create undead.
[[Harukita]] brought the chalice before the other gods. "I have sipped from [[Zek]]'s Chalice and gained the power to create undead. But I have not sipped overmuch, for I have learned from the past. It was foolish for one god to try to protect such a power. If I dank all of the Chalice, [[Vol]] would hunt me down and eventually destroy me. But if we ALL drink from the Chalice, we shall all have the power of undeath. [[Vol]] will never be able to destroy us all. We shall be bonded in evil, a partnership that shall span an eternity. Are you with me? Drink from the chalice!"
[[Harukita]]'s brothers quickly drank from the chalice. [[Ormorek]] drank too. But when the chalice was passed to [[Ilth Hale]], [[Harukita]] stopped her. "There is
[[Category:Register of Lore]]