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User Interface

2,314 bytes added, 22:32, 22 September 2017
Misc. commands: Added Restrict command
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/unstickcharacter <name of character></kbd>
| Used when it seems impossible to log into a character, typing this command on another character of the same account will transport the stuck character to Anagoge.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict</kbd>
| Provides a list of options. With the /restrict command, you can prevent other players from interacting with you in various ways. Use "/restrict <type> [on/off]". For instance, to stop other players from inviting you to their guild, use "/restrict GuildInvite on". Change the 'on' to 'off' to turn off that restriction. For more information about what a particular restriction means, use it by itself, like "/restrict GuildInvite"
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict FriendInvite</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players who try to become your friend will be told that you are not accepting friend-invites right now.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict GroupInvite</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players who try to invite you to their hunting group will be told that you are already in a hunting group (whether or not you are).
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict GuildInvite</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players who try to invite you to their guild will be told that you are already in a guild (whether or not you are).
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict Trade</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players who try to trade with you will be told that you aren't interested in trading right now.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict ReceiveTips</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players who try to tip you will receive a message that you aren't accepting tips right now.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict PickUpOthersItems</kbd>
| When active, you will be unable to pick up items on the ground, except for items that you personally dropped. This unusual restriction is intended for 'challenge mode' characters who do not want to accidentally receive outside help.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict BeMilked</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, players that try to milk you will be told that you are too busy to be milked. Note: this restriction is only relevant if you have been cursed into cow form.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | <kbd>/restrict HearOration</kbd>
| When this restriction is active, you will not see other players' oration. For instance, you will not be prompted to critique player poetry.

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