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Conscripted Troll Caretaker

62 bytes added, 20:59, 22 May 2018
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| title = Conscripted Troll Caretaker
| type = Giant
| health = 415
| armor = 111
| health = 415
| rage = 465
| effective = Fire, Darkness
| ineffective = Crushing, Slashing, Nature
 '''[[Conscripted Troll Caretaker''']]s are Trolls that wander the [[Animal Nexus]]. While they serve the [[Winter Court]], they are much weaker than their [[Strong Troll]] brethren in the [[Winter Nexus]]. 
; [[{{MOB Location| area = Animal Nexus]]: | location = Found wandering in the second half of the tunnels.| health = 415| armor = 111| rage = 465}}
==Combat Abilities==
* Level: ?
* Skin: None
* Meat: None

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